Home » today » Business » This is the Threat of Sanctions in the Case of Alleged Bank BNI Skimming

This is the Threat of Sanctions in the Case of Alleged Bank BNI Skimming

LENGKONG, AYOBANDUNG.COM — Bank BNI threatened with a number of sanctions in the case of alleged skimming ATM in Gresik, East Java.

Deputy Chairman of the Communication and Education Commission of the National Consumer Protection Agency (BPKN), Firman Turmantara Endipraja, said that banks must pay compensation in accordance with Law Number 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection.

In Article 19 paragraph 3, it is stated that the provision of compensation is carried out within seven days after the transaction process takes place.

“Bank BNI must provide compensation for a maximum of seven days. It is calculated since the consumer is proven to have suffered a loss,” he said, Friday, June 25, 2021.

Bank Customer BNI can apply for legal action in a civil manner so that compensation can be carried out.

“Where’s the proof? Now, this has to be done through a legal process, of course, it has to go through a court hearing,” said Firman.

In addition, he said, the sanctions imposed on banks BNI will be more severe if the compensation is not paid within the specified time limit. In accordance with juridical logic, the imposition of sanctions can be many times.

However, compensation sanctions will not apply if an error is found by the customer.

Previously, a number of customers BNI in Gresik, East Java, there was a stir when the contents of the account balance suddenly disappeared. From the complaints of the victims who shared their stories on social media, they lost money after making transactions at ATM outlets in the Giant Gresik area of ​​Kota Baru. From a search conducted by the bank, the customer’s money was withdrawn in Denpasar on June 18, 2021.

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