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This is the summer of the TV 2 profiles

Summer is upon us, and these days Norwegians eager to travel set course for southern areas or perhaps spend their time in a sailboat, at a cabin or at home in the sun wall.

TV 2 has asked a number of well-known faces from the media house about their plans for the summer and which summer memories are best left with each individual.


Comes with a summer invitation: – It sounds completely sick

Spain and France

Good morning Norway host Vår Staude (56) has so far during the summer holidays hiked in the mountains with his family.

– We have been up in Rondane and gone on some mountain peaks, as we have been very happy about, she says to TV 2.

At the time of writing, the host has been sitting in the car in the direction of Spain after being hit the air strike.

– The plane was canceled due to a strike, so we got in the car, drove 230 km in a stretch of 24 hours from Oslo to Montpellier in France. Now we have slept and have “only” 83 miles left to Villajoyosa in Spain, she says.

When the 56-year-old arrives at the holiday destination, she and her entourage will combine mountain trips and beach life.

– We do not go anywhere without knowing that it is possible to go for some walks. It will be another mix. So it is a slightly active holiday, while the main goal is to relax and recharge your batteries.

SPAIN: Good morning Norway host Vår Staude is going to Spain with the family this summer. Photo: Private

Perennials have dozens of summer memories in their luggage, but there is one experience in particular that stands out from the rest.

– It was enough in the summer two years ago, when we were on Engeløya in Nordland. It was incredibly nice. Great nature and great walks, mountains and beaches. It was perhaps the best holiday, she says.

Sommerhytta presenter and news anchor Cathrine Fossum (44) has recently made the recording of the final in Sommerhytta, and is heading for the French Riviera this summer.

– I will be in Provence, Annecy and also visit Alsace. I will swim, eat good food and enjoy beautiful nature with family and good friends, she shares.

From good summer memories, the host highlights togetherness with the family.

– I love long, lazy days at the beach with husband and children, which glide over into beautiful sunsets and evenings. Without having a bad time. It’s some of the best I know.

Good morning Norway host Desta Marie Beeder (34) is also planning a trip to France this summer.

– The trip goes to the south of France with good friends. We will travel around a bit, swim and eat good food.

In addition to this, Beeder will spend time at home in Bergen. The 34-year-old remembers well summers in Norway with bright, nice evenings with friends, light wine and deep conversations.

Another who is also in France at the time of writing is TV 2 sport’s Marius Skjelbæk (31), who works with bicycle coverage.

– I am on the Tour de France and drive 600 km by car, he says, and continues:

– Nice to follow Norwegian dream summer through Instagram. I also notice that people get married a lot during the day and that’s nice.

When the TV 2 presenter is to take a well-deserved break later this summer, the plans are ready.

– Sleep. And cabin in Kragerø. Maybe combine it.

For Skjelbæk, summer 24 years ago is the ultimate summer memory.

– It is impossible to get around on Christmas Eve 1998. A cliché answer without equal, but Norway-Brazil is impossible to beat for me. A bit boring to “peak” in life as an eight-year-old, but I live well with that, he says.

Italy, Greece and Croatia

Like many of the other TV 2 profiles, The Voice presenter and former sports anchor Siri Avlesen-Østli (38) also enjoys the southern heat in Southern Europe, more specifically in Tuscany in Italy.

– It’s great with the first trip abroad in three years! We have rented a house with pool and baths all day. Eat good food, go to the beach and relax, she says.

The rest of the summer, the 38-year-old plans to be at home in Norway, visit the family and take the days as they come.

Avlesen-Østli highlights the holiday trips to Spain in childhood as the best summer memory.

– We drove from Norway without a very specific plan for the trip and it was always exciting to see which hotel we landed at, and where we were to eat after many hours by car. Then we finally arrived at a very cozy house with its own pool in Spain, and it was really exotic.

Also the last summers in Norway with boating, fishing and swimming with the children have entered the memory book of the host.

It is not just Avlesen-Østli that chooses Tuscany this summer. It does too Farmen host Niklas Silseth Baarli (33).

– Right now I am in a holiday home with some friends in Tuscany that we have rented for a week. We drive and swim, he says.

Baarli has also climbed mountains so far this holiday.

– Before that I have been hiking in the mountains in Chamonix, he says, and adds:

– I have also done paragliding. I was tricked by active friends. It was absolutely exceptional! At first very scary, then just amazing. Definitely something I would have done again.

The host remembers well when he spent the summer at Nes Camping as a young man.

– You had got a moped, and could drive where you wanted.

Good morning Norway’s Peter Bubresko (47) chose to spend the first holidays in Sandefjord, the city he has visited every summer since he was little.

– We have been there for two weeks and grilled and bathed every day. The children have been to the Emma concert and I have been to the Wenche Myhre show, and then we have visited Stavern and the Powder Tower Theater. Friends and family have come to visit in turn, he says.

After the Sandefjord holiday, the trip was to continue to Greece. Bubresko was worried that he and his family would get to taste the plane chaos this summer, but now the gang is abroad.

– In Crete it is hot, but delicious. Being in the South with twins of five years means little flat out on a sunbed, so here it is fully booked, he says.

The 47-year-old reminisces back to the summer holidays in Croatia and Montenegro when he was little.

– My father is originally from Montenegro and I loved visiting my grandmother down there.

the coming one In Fire and Flame Host Simon Nitsche (30) also uses the holiday time to charge the batteries abroad.

– I’m on a sailing trip in Croatia right now with a group of friends. It is very delicious and absolutely king. We just sail around and explore. It’s exciting, he says.

CROATIA: In fire and flame host Simon Nitsche is sailing on the blue wave in Croatia this summer.  Photo: Jan-Petter Dahl / TV 2

CROATIA: In fire and flame host Simon Nitsche is sailing on the blue wave in Croatia this summer. Photo: Jan-Petter Dahl / TV 2

Furthermore, the trip to France goes with friends, and maybe there will be a surfing trip later as well.

The 30-year-old highlights the Sandefjord summers as his best summer memory.

– There have been beach football and volleyball tournaments for many years, which have been unifying for the whole city – both for young and old. It has been a lot of fun, he says, and continues:

– So I have to come back during the summer to get some refills.


For Allsang på grensen-queen Katrine Moholt (48) spends the summer on Fredriksten fortress in Halden one last roundafter 15 summers in a row.

– It is fantastic to be back at Fredriksten fortress with many thousands of people singing with our great artists after two years of pandemic, she says.

Despite summer work, Moholt makes sure to rest between battles.

– We enjoy ourselves at home with card games, swimming, boxing, late nights out and walks in the woods. It’s summer for me!

SUMMER JOB: Host Katrine Moholt leads the TV 2 program Allsang on the border for the fifteenth year in a row.  Pictured here with host partner Stian Thorbjørnsen earlier in July.  Photo: Thomas Andersen / TV 2

SUMMER JOB: Host Katrine Moholt leads the TV 2 program Allsang on the border for the fifteenth year in a row. Pictured here with host partner Stian Thorbjørnsen earlier in July. Photo: Thomas Andersen / TV 2

The 48-year-old further shares that her best summer memory is when the family was on a bike ride in Valdres.

– We cycled from mountain lodge to mountain lodge in beautiful nature and ate beautiful food. The most delicious sauces, waffles and sour cream porridge. We bathed in icy mountain water and cycled in everything from torrential rain to glorious sunshine. Goats and sheep, goodies, bunk beds and lots of laughter. It was such a trip when everything fell apart. A beautiful memory to take with you on dark winter evenings.

Another who also swears by the Norwegian holiday this summer is the LEGO Masters host and Norway’s most active Erik Solbakken (37).

He moves between island and mountain with his family.

– I start in Hemsedal and then we work our way via the small island Flåvær, and further up Western Norway, he says.

NORWAY HOLIDAY: Norway's liveliest host Erik Solbakken goes to the mountains this summer.  Photo: Synne Moen / TV 2

NORWAY HOLIDAY: Norway’s liveliest host Erik Solbakken goes to the mountains this summer. Photo: Synne Moen / TV 2

So far on the trip, the 37-year-old has managed to pull out the fishing rod.

– I got a huge trout of 1.3 kilos, so it is possible I should hear with TV 2 if they want a fishing program soon, he says jokingly.

For Solbakken, it is the summers on a ridge on the mountain in Hemsedal that have left the biggest mark when it comes to summer memories.

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