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This is the situation at the Ciudad Juárez border bridge in Mexico

In Juarez Citythey go to the control point in El Paso Texas with the objective of forcibly entering the United States.

This is the border situation in Ciudad Juárez READ HERE

Approximately 1,000 Latino migrants have just broken through the Mexican National Guard barrier located on the border bridge.

Given the delays generated by the applications to request asylum, hundreds of migrants stranded in Mexico tried to forcefully cross the international bridge between Juarez City and El Paso, Texas, to enter United States territory.

One more case is José Álvarez, also of Venezuelan origin, who commented that he has been in Ciudad Juárez for more than 60 days.

«We have looked for the appointment and nothing that we managed to have it. I have thought that the Government of the United States, on purpose causes the error in the application so that we do not enter.

He explained that the ideal would be for the United States authorities to make a written list so that it can be seen whether each migrant who requires it can obtain political asylum or not.

The Mexican border city is practically collapsed by the massive arrival of migrants.

The objective of the migrants was to exert pressure and call the attention of the US authorities to grant them permits and allow them to cross to go in search of the so-called “American dream”.

This problem on the Mexican border represents a security and economic problem, given the conditions of the area.

Undoubtedly the country and in turn becomes a human rights problem, not having the conditions for decent support to hundreds of migrants.

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