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This is the reason why garlic has many health benefits?


JAKARTA – Garlic, which is widely used as an ingredient or spice in cooking, is also often used for medicinal purposes. Yes, garlic has quite a lot of benefits for the health of the body.

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This type of onion is rich in beneficial minerals such as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, calcium and iron, and has a variety of health benefits other. This food item that is easily found in every kitchen can also be of great use in fighting colds and flu.

Garlic also has ties to other types of onions such as Red onion and green onions. Having a strong odor, garlic is proven enough for health, contains nutrients and few calories.

As quoted from the Times of India page, garlic contains compounds that can fight germs and help boost immunity. The sulfur content present in garlic also increases the disease-fighting response of several types of white blood cells in the body when in contact with all types. virus, which causes flu.

Garlic is also very beneficial in preventing colds and colds flu. A study shows that garlic not only prevents a person from falling sick, but also reduces the severity of symptoms. If you often experience health problems such as flu, eating garlic regularly can prevent your illness.

Meanwhile, the best benefits of garlic depend on how it is processed and prepared. Overheating garlic can reduce the effects of alliinase. When cooking foods with this type of onion, it is always recommended to use more than one clove of garlic.

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Apart from this, garlic also has a significant impact on lowering blood pressure in people suffering from high blood pressure. Garlic can also increase cholesterol levels in a person, and can lower the risk of heart disease.


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