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This is the reason why coconut milk is gone – Dagsavisen

– Yes, it is true that there have been and are some challenges associated with coconut milk.

It writes communications manager in Norgesgruppen Kine Søyland in an e-mail to Dagsavisen.

We have become well accustomed to this country, and very rarely there is a shortage of any food. You get what you want, and should one store be empty of an item then it is no worse than going to another store.

But in recent weeks, a problem has arisen: Coconut milk is running low everywhere. What is the reason for this? Coconut milk is canned and has a long shelf life. Could it be the grounding of a ship in the Suez Canal that has delayed deliveries of coconut milk from Asia? The Suez accident is the reason why there is now an unbearable shortage of garden gnomes in England.

Neida. To find the core of the problem, we need to get to the core of a number of other issues over the past year: the coronavirus.

Søyland in Norgesgruppen explains that there are two problems the coronavirus has created for the delivery of coconut milk.

– There has been a greater demand for consumer packaging than has been possible to obtain, primarily because people have made and eaten significantly more food at home because the restaurants have been closed. And shipping from Asia is unstable, partly due to a lack of containers, she says, and adds:

– The situation around the Suez Canal has nothing to do with this and thus no impact.

There are thus not ships full of coconut milk lurking just around the corner after a small detour around the Horn of Africa.

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