METROPOLITAN.ID – If you’ve ever seen or been close to the North or South Pole, you’ve probably seen something really special.
Often there is a beautiful light show in the sky. This light is called an aurora.
If you’re near the North Pole, it’s called the aurora borealis, or Northern Lights.
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If you are near the South Pole, they are called Southern Lights or Southern Lights.
Aurora is natural light twinkling in the sky. Blue, red, yellow, green, and orange rays of light moved gently, changing shape like a gently fluttering curtain.
Aurora is only visible at night and usually only in the polar regions.
Auroras can be seen most nights near the Arctic and Antarctic Circles, which are located approximately 66.5 degrees north and south of the equator.
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The process of forming auroras
While auroras are best seen at night, they are actually caused by the sun.
The sun gives us much more than heat and light; the sun sends out a lot of other energy and tiny particles.
The protective magnetic field around the Earth protects us from most of the energy and particles that are unknown to us.
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