Social influencer Sonja Aiello’s income is moderate.

Sonja Aiello is a 25-year-old social media influencer. Mia Siren
Social media influencer Sonja Aiellon earned income in the year was 54,754 euros. He accumulated capital income of 7,175 euros, i.e. his total income was 61,929 euros.
Aiello has spent a quiet life on social media after he received a verdict in the Helsinki district court for assault, in which the victim was his ex-lover, the rapper William aka Ville Virtanen.
Aiello was sentenced to a 60-day fine. A total of EUR 3,240 was collected from fines to be paid with Aiello’s income.
In 2022, his earned income was 97,620 euros.
Aiello also has his own company, whose turnover in the last fiscal year, in 2023, was 134,674. The company made a loss of 4,056 euros.
Aiello is also familiar from television, as he has participated in both Survivors and Farm.

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