Home » today » Health » This is the government’s effort for Indonesia to target HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2024

This is the government’s effort for Indonesia to target HIV / AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria by 2024

Tribunnews.com reporter, Rina Ayu

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Check the goals HIV / AIDS, TBand malaria will continue to be pursued until 2024

It is hoped that by the end of 2024 the goal will be 90% discovery and 90% treatment HIV / AIDS reached up. Likewise, the goal of 90 percent case detection and 90 percent treatment TB.

While the current conditions, in 2022, for the new cases of tuberculosis 286 thousand of the 824 thousand cases detected, the remaining 537 thousand cases were not detected. The same goes for HIV / AIDS. This year, from the target of 97,000 cases detected, only 13,000 (13%) were found.

Read also: Ministry of Health still investigating the causes of deaths of six Baduy residents due to tuberculosis?

For positive cases malaria and the annual pest index (API) tends to rise, especially in eastern Indonesia. Positive cases from 2020 to 2021 malaria up to 50 thousand cases.

The Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Menkes), Budi Gunadi Sadikin, said that this goal could be achieved with the support of the leadership and accountability of the provincial and district governments.

“The leadership and accountability of local governments at the provincial and district levels are the keys to Indonesia’s success in overcoming HIV, tuberculosis and malaria in a decentralized health system in the country,” said Health Minister Budi. quoted in his written statement on Wednesday (9/21/2022).

In search of the goal of elimination HIV / AIDS, TB, Malaria, the government is assisted by the Global Fund or GF as a partner in health development in Indonesia. From 2003 to the present, $ 1.45 billion (Rp 20.89 trillion) has been donated to the Ministry of Health and the community, particularly for prevention programs. HIV / AIDS, TBAnd malaria.

In HIV / AIDS, GF helps improve HIV services, case finding, ARV treatment and care, as well as outreach in the field. Up to the end of June 2022, 473,005 HIV-positive people were found and 163,562 HIV-positive people were being treated.

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In TBGF helps procure anti TB first and second line, preventive therapy drugs, microscopic diagnostic tools and TCM, to accelerate case finding TB through screening in public and private health facilities in 80 districts / cities in 19 provinces with a workload TB high and the number of private health facilities is large.

For malaria, GF assists with Rapid Test (RDT) exams, screening of pregnant women in areas of high endemism, creation of malaria posts, capacity building for human resources and distribution of 27 million bed nets treated with insecticides (LLIN) in malaria endemic areas.

How to prevent malaria (promkes.kemkes.go.id website page)

GF’s latest support is to assist the Ministry of Health in building genome sequencing capabilities for more accurate identification of viruses and bacteria. With the sequencing of the genome, a genetic model of the genome will be obtained, the identification of new mutations, the tracing of the origin and the prevention of viral and bacterial transmission.

Total genome sequencing capacity in the country is expected to be available for 57 machines by the end of 2022, including those supported by the Global Fund and spread across various provinces.

“In the future, the sequencing equipment will be used for the development of hospital services, the development of HIV detection, the detection of acute hepatitis cases of unknown etiology, and cases of acute renal failure and other comorbidities.” added the Minister of Health

The Global Fund raises and invests money over a three-year cycle known as the Replenishment. This three-year approach was adopted in 2005 to allow for more stable and predictable funding for countries and to ensure the continued viability of the program.

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