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“This is the government of Draghi and the Quirinale”


“This is a government born with ‘blind’ parties. This is the government of Draghi and the Quirinale. We also have Forza Italia and Lega, we can say what we want but we knew that their ministers would be there. Italia Viva came out in pieces. He had 2 ministers and only comes out with Bonetti “. According to Adnkronos, M5S political leader Vito Crimi said to the elected pentastellati during the assembly.” From Lega and Fi certainly I did not expect them to propose Gandhi or Martin Luther King … these are the names. “

Crimi then underlined that “there were no negotiations on the ministries. Everyone can think what they want, but there were no negotiations with Draghi. Draghi is a man used to knowing that his raised eyebrow spins billions. A sense of confidentiality we were not used to. “” There have been messages exchanged with Zingaretti … Salvini also asked me for information. At 6.30 pm yesterday I received a call from Draghi, who told me who our ministers were. He only added Cingolani and Giovannini “, says Crimi.

Then, recounting the phases that led to the birth of the Draghi government., Crimi said that “Beppe Grillo has always thought of technicians, he spoke of Catia Bastioli, who gave her unavailability. He mentioned the name of De Masi, Mazzucato, Cingolani … Names that Beppe conveyed on more than one occasion … as well as that of Giovannini himself “.

Grillo “led to the first and second consultations” with Draghi the idea of ​​the ecological transition. Beppe’s idea is: “If this government is to be born, it can only do it thinking of future generations. This was his ‘flying high’. On Tuesday afternoon at Draghi we left with a commitment to review the institutional structures in order to provide for this structure (the ministry for ecological transition, ed.). Beppe was not convinced, he wanted a guarantee. For this reason, the same evening we wanted to investigate, suspending the vote on Rousseau “. “The next morning there were very high level transitions and we had the confirmation that there would be the ministry for the transition. From there we started the vote” on the platform.

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