Home » Health » This is the fruit you should eat to prevent cancer, it is very popular in Colombia

This is the fruit you should eat to prevent cancer, it is very popular in Colombia

The pulp is characterized by its soft and creamy texture – Social networks

Native to tropical areas of South and Central America, soursop is a green, spiny fruit with sweet, white flesh that is not only delicious, but also rich in nutrients that can offer numerous health benefits. Studies and empirical experiences suggest that it may play a role in preventing cancer, controlling blood sugar, and relieving certain types of pain.

According to scientists from the National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), two promising molecules were found in its shell to treat some types of cancer, including triple negative breast, liver and lung cancer. These compounds achieved similar results to the drug Taxol, which is used in chemotherapy; however, these do not harm healthy cells.

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Compounds called acetogenins are found in the pulp and leaves of the plant, they are substances with cytotoxic properties; That is, they can kill cancer cells without affecting healthy cells. These substances act by inhibiting the production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in cancer cells, which affects their ability to proliferate and may induce their death.

Although these studies are still in early stages and have not been tested extensively in humans, the results suggest that soursop could have a positive effect on reducing the growth of tumor cells. However, it is important to note that soursop is not a treatment for cancer and that cancer patients should always follow what is recommended by their doctor.

Has shown benefits in blood sugar control – credit mejorconsalud.as.com

Soursop too has shown benefits for people seeking to control their blood sugar levels, an aspect especially relevant for those who suffer from diabetes or are at risk of developing it. The fruit contains a moderate amount of carbohydrates, but what makes it stand out is its low glycemic index, which means that the sugar it contains is slowly absorbed into the bloodstream, helping to avoid sudden glucose spikes.

Studies have suggested that soursop extracts could have hypoglycemic effects, helping to reduce blood glucose levels. The fiber present in the pulp of the fruit also helps regulate sugar, as it slows down digestion and allows gradual absorption of carbohydrates. Additionally, soursop contains certain phytochemical compounds that could stimulate insulin production and improve sensitivity to this hormone, key factors in the control of diabetes.

It is known for its pain relieving properties – credit Fashion Lady

In addition to its potentially anti-cancer effects and its ability to help regulate blood sugar, Soursop is known in traditional medicine for its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. In many cultures, soursop leaves have been used to make teas and poultices to relieve pain related to arthritis, rheumatism, and other ailments.

Compounds in the fruit can reduce swelling and relieve pain. This is partly due to the antioxidants present in soursop, which help fight free radical damage in the body and can mitigate the inflammatory process. Consuming soursop regularly, or in its leaf tea form, could be a natural supplement to reduce pain and inflammation in some conditions, although it is essential to consult a health professional before using it for this purpose.

On the other hand, the fiber present helps promote digestive health, preventing constipation and improving intestinal transit. The fiber content is especially beneficial for the intestinal microbiota, contributing to a healthier digestive system.

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