next week with 60 °.elian: thank you.many people facedifficulties when it comes tofind a job, butthere are trainingsfree. therecords for these programs.we have a guest fortalk about this topic.our training is forthose with a level ofhigh English, but they do not speakFluently.we want to prepare them forwork with people with highcapacity for development.individuals withdevelopmental disabilitiesthey may have down syndrome,autism, cerebral palsy.the objective of the staff ofdirect support is forhelp them.Elian: this participation hascost?How do you sign up?is free. must have ahigh school diploma, whatIt may be from another country. has tobe a citizen or refugee.we will explain all that inan information have to be a resident againyork and be able to come in ourlocacón en brooklyn downtown.elian: where can they have moreinformation?Send a text.You can also call or leavea message.We will call you for a session.elian: the data on screenso that you have the