Home » today » News » This is the forecast for the weather in New York for this Wednesday afternoon | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

This is the forecast for the weather in New York for this Wednesday afternoon | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

let’s go with liliana and the reportfull of time.liliana: thanks for theI felt.on the way.10 ° compared to yesterday.tri-state zone, but lasts twodays, since the weekendthe descent returns in ourarea.today you don’t need an umbrella orstrong coat.the sensation will be 47 ° thisafternoon and 41 ° at night.part of the rain inin the night.cloudiness in the afternoon butit is not rain.we monitor dry conditionsand good weather until the evening.at dawn with somerain in the area, but albanyand upstate new york are

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