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This is the dose of drinking green tea for weight loss

KONTAN.CO.ID – JAKARTA. Green tea contains caffeine and flavonoids which are believed to be able to lose weight. This is the dose of green tea consumption to help lose weight.

Green tea is very popular in Indonesia. Many people consume green tea to maintain a healthy body.

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Not only that, green tea is also often consumed by those who are on a diet program.

Quoting from Medical News Today green tea contains caffeine and flavonoids that can speed up the metabolic process.

The flavonoids in green tea can help break down excess fat. While the content of catechins can increase the amount of energy in the body.

Is it true that green tea has a big impact on weight loss?

A review published in Prusted 2010 revealed green tea supplements containing catechins aka caffeine had a small but positive effect on weight loss and weight management.

A more recent review investigated the association of green tea with weight loss or obesity. The result, green tea has a positive impact on weight loss but the results are not significant.

There is a theoretical basis for the association of green tea with weight loss and some empirical evidence to support this claim outside of clinical settings.

However, research studies in this area tend to use doses that contain a higher proportion of caffeine than that found in a cup of green tea.

It is important for you to know, the effect of green tea on weight loss tends to be very small.

The impact of green tea is not as beneficial as a significant weight loss method such as exercise that provides greater metabolic benefits.

How to consume green tea to help lose weight

You can drink about two to three cups of green tea per day to help you lose weight.

You need to know, the effects of green tea consumption vary depending on the amount of caffeine consumed and a person’s metabolism.

Green tea is safe for consumption. However, you still have to limit the consumption of green tea every day.

Because green tea contains caffeine which can cause health problems when consumed in large quantities, especially for those of you who suffer from heart disease or high blood pressure.

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