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This is the Confession of the MN Brigadier of the Killing Brigadier Khairul about the motive, it turns out

The Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, revealed the shocking confession of Bripka MN to the killer of First Brigadier Khairul Tamimi regarding the motive, here’s the explanation. (ANTARA/Dhimas BP)

jpnn.com, LOMBOK TIMUR – Investigators have obtained the confession of Bripka MN, the police officer who killed Brigadier Khairul Tamimi in East Lombok (Lotim), NTB.

Brigadier MN kills Brigadier Khairul at the victim’s house, Block XA 14 Griya BTN Pesona Madani, Denggen Village, Selong District, around 11.00 WITA, Monday (25/10).

According to the Head of Public Relations of the NTB Police, Kombes Artanto, the suspect from Bripka MN has confessed to investigators about his motive for killing his professional colleague.

However, Kombes Artanto said that the suspect’s confession still needed to be investigated by investigators.

“The NTB Police together with their ranks, especially the East Lombok Police are trying to uncover what the real motive was so that the perpetrator shot his professional colleague,” said Kombes Artanto, Wednesday (27/10).

He said investigators had examined several witnesses and had conducted a crime scene (TKP).

Provisional results, Artanto said there were indications that motive for murder it’s a matter of romance. According to him, this is in accordance with the statement of Bripka MN.

Kombes Artanto explained that the member of Bhabinkamtibmas of the Wanasaba Police was jealous of Brigadier Khairul Tamimi.

Kombes Artanto revealed the shocking confession of Bripka MN to the killer of First Brigadier Khairul Tamimi regarding the motive, this is the explanation.

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