The Board of Education gives Finnish schools a clear recommendation to eradicate the cell phone problem.

The brains of children and teenagers get “hooked” on digital devices much faster and stronger than the brains of adults. Illustration picture. TIINA SOMERPURO
According to the Norwegian Board of Education (OPH), the use of cell phones in schools should be limited. OPH will tell about it at the media conference it organized on August 5.
The Board of Education recommends that all schools and educational institutions ban the disruptive use of phones during lessons and limit their use during breaks as well.
The ban on cell phones in schools has spoken to Finns at the latest since the ban was registered Petteri Orpon (kok) to the goals of the government program last summer.
The Ministry of Education and Culture is preparing a bill to limit the use of cell phones in schools next fall.
The story continues after the information box.
This way, the use of the phone can be currently restricted
- In basic education, upper secondary schools and vocational education, the rules of procedure may prohibit the use of telephones during lessons.
- For example, the student can be told to put the phone in a pocket or backpack, where it will not disturb.
- In basic education, a teacher or principal can take the phone away from a student, even without a prohibition in the rules of order, if it interferes with teaching or learning.
- The use of the phone cannot be completely prohibited during break times: necessary contact, for example with the guardian, must be made possible.
- In schools and educational institutions, the teacher or principal can also order the pupil/student to leave if he/she does not put the phone down despite the prompts and continues to disturb the lesson with it.
Source: Board of Education
Difficulty concentrating
According to research, mobile phones are one of the reasons for both restless behavior during lessons and increased mental health problems among children and young people.
Screen time increases the risk of concentration difficulties, emotional disorders and hyperactivity in children as young as five years old. The phone alone on the desk weakens concentration on studying.
According to the school health survey conducted by the Institute of Health and Welfare in 2021, a third of both elementary and middle school students feel that they should spend more time elsewhere than online. Despite their efforts, the defendants were not successful in this.
In 2023, OPH disagreed with the research results. According to it, the research data did not unequivocally show, at least not yet, that the use of digital technology would have a weakening effect on learning outcomes.
Learning outcomes in decline
According to OPH, young people’s reading has decreased and the time spent on digital devices has increased. The learning results of primary school-aged pupils have weakened, and attitudes towards studying have become more negative.
The importance of studies and liking school have also decreased over the past decade. At the same time, school burnout has increased.
Despite the disadvantages of cell phones, using digital tools and applications is part of teaching according to the curricula. According to OPH, in a digitalized society, there is also a question of equality that all students can practice using the devices free of charge in schools.
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