the west lanes areclosed.We recommend avoiding the area.while the department ofnew york job advertisesthe opening of more positionsemployment, shortage persistsof personnel in companies.tell us about thepossibility of an incentiveeconomic for those whobe used again.romy: a billsponsored by a senatorRepublican seeks to grant a$1200 incentive foremployees, after one month ofa return to work couldwhen the state of new yorkreopens its economy.although in May they opened 17,500jobs in the private sector,the unemployment rate is7.8%, double from beforethe univisón 31 habówith a restaurant ownerin Albany, who explains thereasons to which you awardthe lack of interested personnelto return to work anddifficulties representingbusiness.>> it has been difficult to findhelp.the government was giving themwings of what one pays, yeswants to work there.we had to sacrifice, putthe family to work and a lotpeople working overtime.romy: another factor that impactsindustries is the reductionof work visas, due topeak of the pandemic livingmany Latin American countries.>> as the embassies are notreceiving staff so thatcan travel because they have a visawork, it affects us a lotother countries to work andgood workers.romy: more than a quarter of theemployees will acknowledge leavingtheir positions to changecareer, prefers to continue theremote work, have schedulesto the flexible to undertake onedeal.what a