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This is the best way to air out your bathroom after a shower

Health issues

A lot of moisture is released during showering, which can hardly escape, especially in a closed bathroom. An accumulation of water vapor can quickly cause mold in the bathroom, and you don’t want that! This is not only undesirable for your bathroom, it is also bad for your health. Mold and moisture can exacerbate asthma and other respiratory complaints.

If you don’t air the bathroom properly, the moist air will also be drawn into other parts of your house. You may experience a sore throat, cold complaints, wheezing and shortness of breath. In addition, it can make the complaints more intense in people with an allergy and these irritations occur even more often.

Damage to your bathroom

In addition to your own health, the humid air is also bad for the condition of your bathroom. The fungi affect the walls, ceiling and floor. In addition, unsightly stains are created that are sometimes difficult to remove.

It is therefore important to be extra careful with places in the bathroom that are damp for a long time in a room that is not well ventilated. Think of the shower or sink, but also the top of the wall, the ceiling and the jointing between the tiles.

Tip: dry these areas thoroughly with an old towel after use, so that less damage can be caused by moisture.

Damage to other items

Also, any other items you might keep in the bathroom will be affected by the moisture. There are a number of things that should not be kept in your bathroom, you can read that here!

How best to air the bathroom

Enough reasons to air your bathroom after showering from now on. You can read how to do that best below:

Step 1: Loves Close the bathroom door while showering. This may sound contradictory, but this is how you prevent moisture from entering the house. If you have mechanical ventilation in your home, it is best to set it to the highest setting while showering.

Step 2: After showering, it is wise to leave the ventilation on for at least 15 minutes. It is also best to dry the walls and floor with a wiper or towel. It is best to keep your bathroom door closed for 15 minutes.

Step 3: Do you have a window in your bathroom? Nice! Then it is best to open it right away. It is also best to leave the door open for at least half an hour. If you don’t have a window, you will have to make do with opening the door on time and a ventilation system that works as well as possible.

If you follow this step-by-step plan, you ensure good ventilation of your bathroom and you avoid damage to your health and your bathroom due to moisture!

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