Home » today » World » This is the agreement that could create NATO trouble for the Swedes. Turkey expert has never seen the like.

This is the agreement that could create NATO trouble for the Swedes. Turkey expert has never seen the like.

To secure government power, the Swedish Social Democrats entered into a very special agreement. Very unusual, says Norwegian Turkey expert.

It has been a turbulent week in Swedish politics. On Tuesday, Minister of Justice Morgan Johansson avoided distrust with a cry of distress. In return, the Social Democrats had to confirm that they stand by an agreement from last year.

10. June 2022 10:05 AM

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A single A4 sheet. At the top is the red rose for the Swedish Social Democrats. At the bottom is the signature of two people: the Social Democrats’ party secretary Tobias Baudin and the independent member of parliament Amineh Kakabaveh.

This week, the agreement from November last year ended up in the center of events. It is probably the exact opposite of what the Swedish government wanted. The reason is that Sweden is in difficult negotiations with Turkey to join NATO.

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