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This is Telkom’s word about Telkomsel’s Customer Data Leakage

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) spoke out about the news which said there was a leak of personal data from Telkomsel users. The Company said that this had been resolved and did not interfere with operations.

Telkom Corporate Finance & Investor Relations VP Andi Setiawan clarified that the incident was carried out by irresponsible persons and has now been submitted to law enforcement.

“The real event is that there has been a spread of customer data that was not authorized by irresponsible persons who worked as outsourcers. customer service in GraPARI Rungkut, “Andi said in an explanation at the Indonesia Stock Exchange Information Disclosure on Thursday (07/16/2020).

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Andi explained, the company through Telkomsel has also taken a number of steps, among others, to make improvements, improvements, and development of the overall operational operational system, starting from protecting and protecting customer data and tightening procedures for authority in accessing the operational system.

“This incident did not affect the company’s operational activities, both Telkom and Telkomsel. Similarly, in financial terms there was no significant impact from events that highlighted Telkomsel’s data security system,” he said.

At present, he sees no significant information or other material events that significantly affect the company’s survival and the price of the parent company’s shares. (Reporter: Selvi Mayasari | Editor: Tendi Mahadi)

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This article has been published on Kontan.co.id by title: Telkom spoke up about Telkomsel’s customer data leakage

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