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“This is Offenbach” and Main-Turm take water lovers to paddle

The instruction for paddling was given with a face mask.

© Schuba

Let the city pass you by and watch it from a rather unusual perspective: Paddlers took this opportunity on Pentecost Saturday on an extensive tour over the Main.

Offenbach – This excursion was initiated by the cooperation of the city community “Das ist Offenbach” and the water sports professionals from the “Main-Turm”: They had already started a successful test balloon last year, but due to the corona pandemic, the repetition had to be a little behind be postponed – but on Pentecost weekend it was finally time for the paddle tour, which also started this year’s tour program of the Main Tower.

“Watch out for the big pots!”, Roland Lösel from the Main Tower warns the participants with a wink before the canoes and kayaks are climbed and let into the water. In the afternoon, 32 visitors from young to “somewhat older” gathered at the “Nato ramp” on the banks of the Main in Rumpenheim and were initially instructed by the paddle specialist – also in the necessary measures to be taken in view of Corona. Protective masks must be worn when boarding and watering, but they can be removed as soon as it really starts in the middle of the river.

Then it starts – downstream with the current, so that the ten-kilometer paddle tour is not only suitable for experienced paddlers, but also for newcomers at the helm. Dominic Leiendecker, initiator of “Das ist Offenbach”, leads the rowing flotilla together with Lösel: along the “coastline” the wonderful nature of the Mainau landscape protection area is passed and paddled along the industrial banks of the Main. There is a small stop in Bürgel: you can refresh yourself with an ice cream at the Main Tower there.

Four guides accompany the tour so that the shipping rules are observed and any problems do not put one of the paddlers in distress. “There are some participants who travel a little faster, some a little less quickly,” says Leiendecker, describing the guides’ task of holding the group together so that he can tell something about the passing sights and everyone can benefit from it. In addition, the guides are on the spot in case there is a problem. “It hasn’t happened on our tours yet”, Lösel can assure – but if it does mean “man overboard”, there is also a lifeguard on board.

In the light of the sunset, the paddle column arrives at the harbor steps in the new development area. This is where the Main Tower maintains its second location, where the daily – and extremely well booked at Pentecost – boat rental takes place. Here the paddlers relax with a cool drink from the almost three-hour tour. And everyone agrees: It was a great experience. “It was the first time in 30 years, it was great fun,” says one participant. It was not exhausting: “I trained again yesterday with the rowing machine.” “It was a nice opportunity to meet people in a corona-friendly way,” says a young lady who has just stepped back from the canoe onto the solid ground. “And you can see completely new corners of Offenbach.”


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