Home » today » World » This is not a migration crisis, but a hybrid attack on the European Union and NATO, Mūrniece points out

This is not a migration crisis, but a hybrid attack on the European Union and NATO, Mūrniece points out

“What is happening on the Latvian-Lithuanian border with Belarus is not a migration crisis, it is a hybrid attack To the European Union a NATO, “said The Saeima the President Ināra Mūrniece, Wednesday, August 18, together with other Speakers of the Baltic Parliaments, visiting the Lithuanian border with Belarus.

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“Latvia and Lithuania A similar scenario is facing the Belarusian border. Lithuania was the first, and Latvia had a little more time to prepare, but we have been facing an organized flow of illegal migrants on the border with Belarus since August 7, “Mūrniece emphasized.

The sharp increase in the number of illegal border crossings must be seen in the context of the events in Belarus, where violent repression has been going on for a year and hostile rhetoric against the Baltic states has not subsided in the state-controlled media. The forthcoming joint military exercise of Russia and Belarus “Zapad 2021” should also be taken into account, the Speaker of the Saeima emphasized.

As the Speaker of the Saeima emphasized, in order to stop the flows of illegal migration, it is crucial to work with the countries from which these migrants originally came. In turn, in the European Union (EU) countries it is necessary to create an understanding of the real reasons for this flow of migrants and the brutal use of people by the Belarusian regime.

Mūrniece emphasized that strengthening the EU’s external border is a common responsibility, and also urged the EU to impose sanctions not only on the organizers of illegal migration, but also on those who help to implement it.

The Speaker of the Saeima paid a working visit to Lithuania on Wednesday together with the Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania (Seimas) Viktorija Čmilīte-Nilsen (Viktorija Čmilytė-Nielsen) and Jiri Ratas, Speaker of the Parliament (Rigikogu) of the Republic of Estonia (Jüri Ratas) met in the Lithuanian Seimas, as well as visited the Padvaronis border guard post. They were joined by David Maria Sasoli, President of the European Parliament (David Maria Sassoli), who is currently visiting all three Baltic States. The Speakers of the Parliaments of the three Baltic States also met with the President of Lithuania, Gintan Naused (Gintanas Nauseda).

On Wednesday, the Speakers of the Parliaments laid flowers at the Medininkai Memorial, commemorating the Lithuanian border guards and customs officers who died 30 years ago in the USSR Omani attack on the Medininkai border checkpoint at the Belarusian border.

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