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This is how your company will be successful – wmn

The woman in a wheelchair who can only use the elevator, the elderly man who still works despite his retirement, and the woman who has only answered all e-mails in English from the very beginning, as she only speaks broken German – that’s all Examples of the diversity of people in a company. But these people are not always welcome in companies. We from wmn show you how to use Diversity Management Can Be Prevented And Why It Is The Key To Any Business Success.

Diversity management – this is what awaits you:

What is diversity management?

Diversity management is a Part of personnel management, which is primarily about using the diversity of employees to the advantage of your own company. In companies, people with a different ethnicity than most employees or people with a handicap are often referred to as so-called “quota employees”. But that is exactly what diversity management is supposed to prevent.

As a rule, companies are always looking for employees who have a lot of potential and who can enrich the company with perhaps previously unknown solution strategies and ideas. In diversity management, care is taken to put together a diverse team of employees with different social and ethnic origins, thus creating equal opportunities and preventing discrimination. In order to achieve this goal, there are various factors that must be taken into account:

  • On the one hand there are internal factors. These include, above all, age, gender, education, ethnic origin, religion or belief, as well as sexual orientation and disability.
  • Then there are also external factors, including above all income, education, work experience, parenting, marital status, leisure activities, habits and also the geographical location.

All of these factors should be taken into account in job advertisements as well as in applications and interviews in order to bring economic benefits to the company on the one hand, but also to increase employee satisfaction.

Even people with disabilities can bring many advantages for a company through their approach. Credit: canva.com/Thurtell/ Getty Images Siganature

How widespread is diversity management?

Originally, diversity management was mainly about avoiding discrimination in job advertisements. Today, however, that is no longer the case. Companies have realized that Diversity is even a strong competitive advantageAfter all, ethnically diverse companies are almost 33 percent more successful and are 1.7 times more likely to develop into innovation leaders in their specialist area than companies without ethnic diversity. Diversity management has long been much more than just another Denglish term.

Diversity management has also already achieved its first successes. Since January 2019, it has been mandatory for companies to include people in their job advertisements who do not feel they belong to either the male or the female gender. So today you can find the designation here: male, female, diverse.

Diversity management brings these advantages

Diversity management therefore offers many new opportunities for employees who may not be particularly welcome in other companies. But which ones Diversity management actually offers advantages for the company itself and also for its employees: inside? Here we have listed the most common ones for you:

1. Understanding from other cultures

Employing people of different ethnic origins in a company promotes understanding of the company and many of it Projects from other cultures too. Depending on what kind of company it is, you either win new customers or even more new employees.

man woman office
Customer service can also be significantly improved through good diversity management. Credit: IMAGO / Shotshop

2. Improving customer service

Customer service can also be improved by having diverse staff, as there are so many different people in the company who have had very different experiences and, with their knowledge, can also solve problems that other people have with different solution strategies. Also the Language plays a role here: The more international a company is, the more often there are calls to customer service in different languages. However, if a company is broadly positioned, many people can be helped without misunderstandings.

3. Optimized decision-making processes

The more diverse a company is in terms of its employees, the easier the decision-making processes become. If more different opinions can be brought into a discussion, in the end there will be one Found a solution with which one can satisfy more employees.

Wein & Weiber is the podcast from wmn.de. Here you can find out how to use the “Law of Attraction” correctly.

4. New collaborations

Furthermore, through diversity management and the associated diversity of employees, new business relationships and cooperations can also arise, since now too other companies become aware of this company. Ultimately, this can also be an advantage for the employees themselves. With a higher turnover of your own company, the salaries of the employees may also increase.

5. Opening up new markets

Successful diversity management also offers many advantages for the diverse company itself. This is how it works Hiring a large number of international employees: also to open up new markets and even to internationalize the company. Both ultimately lead to the company’s success.

Diversity management – a job with a future

Success can be expressed at the individual, team or organizational level. But all of this is only possible if a Company operates proper diversity management. Diversity management is therefore the key to success in the truest sense of the word and will continue to become more and more relevant in the future.

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