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This is how young Americans move (and buy)

Despite whoever weighs it, the trends that end up breathing in the retail and fashion scene at an international level, continue to reach the rhythm of what consumers in the United States mark. Responsible for advancing and promoting these new forms and practices of consumption that subsequently become contagious and spread throughout the rest of the world’s main economies, being able to find in this regard throughout history not a few examples, such as the explosion and reinvention of new formats of shopping centers that were experienced in the North American country, or the appearance and rise of an online commerce that remains led by Amazon, direct heir to that catalog sale that is part of the very construction of the United States as a country.

Starting from this series of antecedents, to which we could continue adding new examples such as those of that urban fashion and the practicality of that “street style” that emerged directly from the streets of New York, and that has ended up spreading to the catwalks of all the world in the hands of not a few North American creatives, it is therefore extremely useful to be able to know what the tastes and preferences that American consumers are showing, in the midst of an environment as disruptive as the current one. A panorama in which commercial and leisure activity begins to leave behind the harsh limitations imposed as a result of this coronavirus pandemic, at a time that, however, continues to arrive marked by uncertainty, derived both from the current war in Ukraine and from the unstoppable rise in prices.

All this, while the whole series of new changes and new trends that have been emerging over the last few years continue to settle. Transitions between which we find from the consolidation of the online channel, social networks and the so-called metaverse as new open doors to experiment with different shopping experiences; to a circularity and sustainability that is increasingly in demand, in what is making the practice of buying and selling second-hand items no longer an exception and a limited purchase modality, as it had been until now, to people of little purchasing power.

Study on 7,100 adolescents with an average of 16 years

Faced with this series of alterations, it would be worth asking questions such as to what extent are these series of changes penetrating consumers, how are the new and sudden events that have occurred on a global scale changing the trends and habits of purchase, or whether fashion continues to be a priority among those new generations that seem more fully committed to the environment. All of these are questions to which we will find a good answer in the latest biannual analysis on the American Generation Z, prepared by the American investment bank Piper Sandler. A survey carried out between February 16 and March 22 of this year, 2022, among a total of 7,100 adolescents in the United States, at an average age of 16.2 years.

As the main key aspects that this last survey of the spring of 2022 has ended up reflecting, in terms of changes in the purchasing habits of the new generations, the results reflect that it was women who continued to lead the increase in spending, driving it in their case +9 percent after increasing it mainly by +15 percent in clothing, and +16 percent in footwear. However, food is the main priority to which the group of young people allocate their total expenses, 22 percent of the total.

Regarding the way and the method in which they carry out their purchases, cash continues to be the payment method with the greatest penetration, with 89 percent of adolescents having used it during the last month, compared to 83 percent who asserted it last year. While when it comes to online shopping, Apple Pay was the most used payment app, in part because 87 percent of respondents said they had an iPhone as a mobile phone, followed by PayPal’s Venmo in second. position, SQ’s Cash app in third place, and PayPal in fourth place. While for “buy now, pay later” purchase solutions, teenagers resorted to using PayPal’s “Pay in 4” solution first, followed by SQ’s Afterpay.

Amazon and Shein, the favorite platforms

Putting our focus on the field of fashion, and paying special attention to this consolidation of online purchases, Amazon is positioned as the number 1 favorite online commerce platform among American teenagers, chosen by 53 percent of the respondents. In spite of which, those responsible for the report point out, its appreciation would have fallen in the range of -300 points, decreasing especially among women. Public that happens to choose it as their favorite platform for their fashion purchases in a percentage of 35 percent, compared to 47 percent in which they did so in the survey a year ago.

Behind Amazon, in a much further but nonetheless very significant position, we find that Shein is the second favorite online commerce platform among young Americans (chosen by 8 percent of those surveyed), followed by Nike ( 6 percent) and PacSun (2 percent).

Passion for TikTok, little interest in the metaverse and concern about the economic situation

As for these new values ​​in favor of sustainability, and these new practices related to the metaverse, the survey also leaves behind quite a few interesting results. Like that teens already spend 7 percent of their total shopping time buying and selling second-hand items, with 46 percent admitting to buying and 57 percent to selling second-hand goods.

In addition to this penetration of circularity and a new way of consuming among the new generations, the link they would maintain with a digital environment, which seemed to be giving wings in response to the growing need that they were, also draws attention. showing the members of these new generations. Some young people of Generation Z among whom only 26 percent say they have a virtual reality device, and only 5 percent say they use it on a daily basis. Likewise, 48 percent of them confess that they are not yet sure or interested in the metaverse.

When it comes to its relationship with social networks, TikTok remains the favorite social network of young Americans (33 percent), surpassing Snapchat for the first time (31 percent) and with Instagram repeating in third position (22 percent). percent). While in terms of their way of consuming audiovisual content, Netflix and YouTube are positioned as the two favorite platforms of adolescents (30 percent each), followed by Hulu (chosen by 8 percent) and HBO gaining positions.

On the other hand, when it comes to what are the main concerns of the new American generations, among the 7,100 surveyed, 54 percent men, 44 percent women and 2 percent expressing themselves as non-binary, 13 percent agreed that the war in ukraine was the most important political and social issue, followed by the environment (11 percent), racial equality (10 percent), gas prices (10 percent), and inflation (4 percent). Topics that as a result reflect that the current economic situation, with the sum of the price of gas and inflation (14 percent), would be the main problem for which the new generations of young Americans would be feeling concern.

Nike, the fashion brand preferred by the American Generation Z

Finishing this analysis of the study carried out by Piper Sandler on the purchasing habits of members of Generation Z in the United States, we are now in charge of addressing the chapter on which fashion, footwear and clothing brands are currently being accessories most demanded by young Americans. Reflecting here the growing fervor that is being experienced by sports fashion and athleisure, with 3 specialized brands in this sector dominating the classification of the favorite fashion brands among young North Americans, and representing 44 percent of its total.

In this regard, and by an overwhelming majority, young Americans choose Nike as their favorite clothing brand (30 percent), followed by American Eagle (7 percent), Lululemon (5 percent), H&M (4 percent) and Adidas (4 percent). While within the footwear category, it is again Nike that is positioned in the first place (chosen by 60 percent of those surveyed), followed by Converse (a subsidiary of Nike with 8 percent), Adidas (8 by percent), Vans (8 percent) and New Balance (1 percent).

Finally, as a specialized ranking in the category of bags, it is the native American firms that manage to top the ranking, led by Coach (chosen as their favorite brand by 17 percent of those surveyed), followed by Michael Kors (15 percent), Louis Vuitton (14 percent), Kate Spade (12 percent), and Chanel (6 percent).

Kanye West’s influence

As last curiosities that are also reflected in the report, and that would precisely highlight the great impact and the accurate blow that Gap is representing for having managed to establish a long-term association with Kanye West and with his fashion firm Yeezy, we find two classifications, with the favorite celebrities and influencers of young Americans. Rankings both in which the popular American rapper makes his appearance.

Within the classification with the main celebrities, this comes led by Ryan Reynolds, followed by Zendaya, Kanye West, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, and by Taylor Siwft. While within the category of influencers, this comes with the youtuber Emma Chamberlain in first position, followed by Kanye West, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Zendaya and the youtuber JiDion.

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