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This is how we reinvent ourselves: Alina Lozano’s learning – Life

To this Bogota woman He doesn’t like to stay in the comfort zone, let alone take things for granted. That has been taught by life and she, who is a judicious apprentice, well she has learned it from all the times she has had to start from scratch.

This is one of the reasons why he decided to prepare as an artistic and existential coach. “And because in addition to training comprehensive artists, I want to help them discover themselves as human beings,” says the actress. Alina Lozano.(Also read: The lessons will be learned … good or bad!)

When he has to see in the rearview mirror what his life has been and how many times he has recovered from a hard setback in the past, he brings to the conversation one of the years in which he has had the greatest uncertainty and job unease. And it was when I least thought about it, in one of his most glorious moments with the interpretation of her successful character Doña Nidya in Pedro El Escamoso.

He thought that more doors would open to him after his prominent role in this soap opera that became a mass phenomenon in Latin America, but the golden opportunity never came or, at least, not in the way he expected. “I said to myself: ‘My work is going to rain because now I am very famous, and it didn’t rain, I lasted a year stranded; I became paralyzed and scared, but I started managing my own work. ” She remembers that she had a manager, but she said that she would take care of herself because she couldn’t wait for “the petrodollar contract or stay thinking that I was in the curubito”.

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He knocked on doors in the channels and production companies to get him a job, whatever it was, it didn’t matter because he needed to work. A lesson in humility and forced landing to reality that Alina today, as a coach and artist representative, teaches her students.

“I have reinvented myself so many times, there have been very critical moments, but this is a learning process because I know that the first few times I was not so assertive”, confesses the actress who plays Elvira in Pa’quererte, the successful production of Canal RCN that, just when it was going through its best moment, was postponed until further notice by the pandemic that forced the stoppage in national television productions.

And she who does not want to be the traditional representative of new talents, proposes to those who want to be part of Alma, her company, that “they create a playful organization in which we take art to various dimensions, to discover other talents and put them on at the service through workshops, generation and production of content with which we also generate income ”.

Thus, in the first instance, he asks them what other trades they want to learn and supports them with courses in network management, editing, design, etc. “Each one contributes their skills and they are financially compensated, Now it is not much, but we do recognize their work, “he says.

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The results are already being seen: In a few days Atakaos will launch a series broadcast on YouTube, made by the same actors, in addition to setting up the company’s website and promoting the other services they provide.

“We thought we would have more time and what we did was speed up the process and not just stare at the ceiling,” says Lozano, and she says she is grateful that in the midst of a pandemic, her company, which includes 10 young people, is strengthening and generating opportunities. . “This idea was born from coaching with the idea of ​​gathering talent not only for television but in other sectors and to form good human beings not only for a profession, but for life ”.


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