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This is how we make fun of politicians · Dlf Nova

Politicians * who are actually trying to appear competent, often step in faux pas – and they have become memes on the Internet. In the 21 and onwards we discuss why we laugh about it.

A laughing Armin Laschet, Robert Habeck, who strokes horses, or black and white election campaign pictures by Christian Lindner that resemble a perfume advertisement. Photos of politicians are constantly being turned into memes on the Internet.

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Max Bierhals collects thousands of likes for his memes about politicians. The comedy writer believes that he succeeds in making the jokes in a very short time because all politicians are constantly delivering meme potential. Max is also convinced that politicians cannot really do anything about memes and amusements: “I would not like to swap places with politicians, because they can do what they want for me – it is always judged.”

Memes about politicians also have a lot of potential for power

Campaign and political advisor Julius van de Laar suspects that memes about politicians are so popular because they stand in stark contrast to the actual political content and often boring election campaign speeches. It is a very effective type of political campaign. Why memes play an important role in election campaigns and can even defame political opponents, the consultant explains in the podcast.

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