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This is how ultraviolet light “cleans” crowded spaces from covid

Vaccines for covid-19 are the light at the end of the tunnel, but creativity, in an alliance between art and science, can throw a cable in times of pandemic. Urban Sun, a project by Dutch designer Daan Roosegaarde, promises to reduce the amount of coronavirus in crowded public spaces by illuminating them with ultraviolet light.

The ultimate objective of this initiative is to bring hope and combat the negative impact of social isolation, which is why it seeks to improve the situation of cultural events, sporting events, public squares and school yards, keeping those present away from masks and the meter and a half of interpersonal distance, thanks to a custom globe suspended over their heads and illuminating a giant circle of light, the safe zone.

The power of light is the basis of the idea: scientific research from Columbia University and Hiroshima shows that a new far ultraviolet light, with a wavelength of 222 nanometers, can safely disinfect up to 99.9% of the virus that circulates in a specific area in a public space.

“Urban Sun illuminates a large circle of this far ultraviolet light in public spaces, cleaning them of coronavirus. It acts as an additional layer of protection to the current rules required “by the authorities, explained Roosegaarde, who with the pilot program already in operation -” always the most complicated “- hopes that it will” increase the development and acceptance “of the idea and that, then, “the next steps are easier and simpler.”

The launch of this initiative took place next to the most emblematic monument in Rotterdam, the Erasmus Bridge, but “with potential for future exhibitions” wherever possible, always complying with the safety standards of the International Commission for Protection against Non-Ionizing Radiations ( ICNIRP).

The technology comes from use in hospitals to reduce the risk of infection during operations, which is why it is a special light, not the traditional 254-nanometer ultraviolet, which is known for its damage.

Unlike other sources of far ultraviolet light, Urban Sun has been designed to be ozone-free and mercury-free: its only task is to disinfect surfaces and the air from all bacteria, viruses and spores in seconds.

“Suddenly, our world has been filled with plastic barriers and stickers asking for distance, our family is reduced to pixels on a computer screen. Let’s be the architects of our new normal and create better places to meet and interact, ”added the Dutch designer.

Roosegaarde, his team of designers, outside experts and other Dutch, American, Japanese and Italian scientists got down to business with the challenge of “discovering how the power of light can be used to fight the virus and therefore improve our well-being ”, he added.

The far ultraviolet light source used by Urban Sun is “measured and calibrated” by the Netherlands National Institute of Metrology (VSL) and the project is carried out in collaboration with the Council of the Board of Public Health, a body independent advisor to the Dutch Parliament.

“It is inspiring. People are tired of covid-19. What we need is the courage to find new solutions, to get in touch and create some intimacy. That’s what Urban Sun is doing, “defended Jet Bussemaker, chairman of the Council of the Board of Public Health and Society.

It is not the first time that Roosegaarde has experimented with the power of light.

Urban Sun took its first steps in 2019, but it was covid-19 that made the project accelerate with self-financing, considering it more urgent than ever to seek alternatives to social confinement against the coronavirus, such as this innovative solution to create spaces in those that people can meet in a “safer and more humane” way.

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