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This is how to prevent cervical cancer from an early age

Always feared, cervical cancer ranks second for the type of cancer most Indonesian women suffer. Previously, diseases that attack the sex organs were more prone to occur at the age of 40 to 50 years. However, nowadays cervical cancer affects a lot of those in their 30s.

Unlike other cancers that attack the female organs, cervical cancer not due to hormonal factors, but by human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus can come from anywhere. Starting from the penis, vagina, to the environment.

Fortunately, cervical cancer can be anticipated early. Through webinar entitled “Protect Yourself and Your Beloved From Cervical Cancer”, dr. Widyorini Lestari Hutami Hanafi, Sp.OG (K) Onk or who is familiarly called dr. Wini, explained further about how to prevent cervical cancer. Here is the explanation!

1. Recognize the symptoms of cervical cancer


The first thing you should do to prevent cervical cancer is to educate yourself about this disease. One of the important points that you should know is what symptoms it causes.

Cervical or cervical cancer does not actually cause any symptoms in the early stages. It only creates abnormal tissue on the cervix which is known as precancerous lesions. However, when these lesions become cancerous and malignant, then symptoms appear in the form of:

  • Leucorrhoea, generally a lot of fluid released. Can smell and have no smell;
  • Bleeding during sexual intercourse;
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle;
  • Hip pain radiating to the legs;
  • Difficulty urinating.

Also Read: 7 Most Deadly Types of Cancer in Indonesia, Killing Millions of People!

2. Routine inspection screening

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer, the Second Dangerous Cancer in Indonesiamedicalnewstoday.com

Said by dr. Wini, actually when the symptoms appear, cervical cancer has entered at least stage 1B. This means that the precancerous lesions have turned into cancer.

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“If a precancerous lesion will not be symptomatic, but we can detect it through a screening examination. That’s why, uash will come before the symptoms appear. Because if a lesion is found, it can be treated immediately so that it does not become cervical cancer,” said Doctor Wini.

That’s why women have to do it regularly screening to anticipate the presence of precancerous lesions on the cervix. This applies to women who have had sex. Because, HPV can only infect the cervix when there is a wound due to sex on its surface. This examination can be taken through Pap smear and IVA test at least once a year.

When abnormalities are found in the early stages, the patient’s cure rate can be up to 100 percent. This is because cervical cancer seeds have not become malignant. It is different when the cancer has reached an advanced stage, the cure rate has decreased by 50 percent. That is why early detection is so important and determines the future of women.

3. Perform the HPV vaccination

How to Prevent Cervical Cancer, the Second Dangerous Cancer in Indonesiancdalliance.org

Apart from going through screening, cervical cancer can also be prevented by HPV vaccination. Said dr. Wini, this procedure is recommended to be performed at the age of 9-15 years. The dose given is twice the vaccine.

However, it’s never too late, really. Women over 15 years of age are still advised to do this procedure, but with a higher dose, which is three times the vaccine.

Even so, the cervical cancer vaccines currently available in the world can only prevent HPV infection types 16 and 18. Both types cause 70-80 percent of cervical cancer cases in the world. So, the vaccine cannot completely prevent the risk of HPV infection.

“Therefore, the risk is still around 20-30 percent for contracting other types of HPV. So even though it has been vaccinated, it still has to be Pap smear, “said Doctor Wini.

Such are some of the efforts and ways to prevent cervical cancer that can be done. Remember, you should come to check yourself before symptoms come, yes. When a potential cancer is detected early, the patient will almost certainly be cured.

However, if you are already experiencing the symptoms above, there is no need to hesitate or even be afraid to check. Medication, therapy, and various other medical and non-medical efforts will help you to recover from this disease.

Also Read: 8 Unusual Symptoms of Breast Cancer You Must Know, Don’t Be Careless

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