Home » today » News » This is how the program that seeks to offer a job opportunity to immigrants in New York works | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

This is how the program that seeks to offer a job opportunity to immigrants in New York works | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

scholarships that you can opt for.for information visitour website.hope: in the middle of the greatneed for the pandemic, aorganization connects toworkers with their homes andbusiness.we need work forshoveling snow.reporter: arrives in search ofa temporary job.is we are waiting to seeif they call us to work.reporter: due to quantityof accumulated snow in newyork in the next few weeks,the organization has placedjob vacancies.should contact us forinform us what kind of aidthey are looking for.we are a link,our motto is “íaworked, was paid. “most of the people whothey arrive are dostic.we have a lot of staff thatcomes every morning injob search.reporter: this organization hashelped hundreds of peoplein different services.if you are looking forwork you can contact them atthe telephones or on the page

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