I bring wings on systems thatIt will affect Sunday.íctor: the discount starts todayshould be in omni users,in the public transport of newyork.this system will replacelas metro cards.It’s time to take out your cell phone.peter: this monday started themta discount programfor omny system, tap angdgo.once you have paid12 times in seven days, asI’m going to do it now…the rest of the trips of thatweek are free orunlimited.>> we are thinking howwe can bring the users whothey are not using our trainsnor the buses for the system.gary: you can pay using yoursmart phone tooyour watch, a debit cardor credit to pay withoutcontact and the last one is to buyan omni card, what is itWhat am I going to do?you can buy the card andor in the transit museum ofnew york in grand central.on our website you canfind a list ofstores where you can buy it.something important, you have touse the same device ordevice all 12 times tolet the discount work.even if you have the same accountof bank associated to the telephone,you can’t use both because you don’t>> seems very good because everythinghas gone up in price.low income peoplethey need the help.12:00 a.m. to Sunday at11:59.It is a program that lasts 4months, then decide ifextend or not.also includes the systembuses.for other optionsdiscount and offers, scan the