Home » News » This is how the most beautiful “black widows” of spring announce spring in Pákozd Pagony

This is how the most beautiful “black widows” of spring announce spring in Pákozd Pagony

In March, the emblematic plant species of the Mészeg Mountain, the black – or black-bellied – anemone, blooms in its full glory. Its magnificent purple-black flowers and snow-white “fur” are a wonderful specialty among the flamboyant spring flowers.

Photographer: Rita S. Töttő / Fejér County Newspaper

The plant shown in the picture, which is protected in Hungary, is protected by the Pákozdi Pagony, but it can also be found in many places on Mészeg Mountain and in several hiking spots in Fejér County. The black anemone belongs to the buttercup family, all parts of which are poisonous!

Photographer: Rita S. Töttő / Fejér County Newspaper

But it is not only for this reason that it is not worth taking down (in addition to the fact that it is protected and has a conservation value of 10,000 forints per strand), but also because it withers very quickly when torn off, and cannot survive without its roots. But according to the experts, it’s not worth digging up the roots – just because someone wants to take it home to their garden – because it won’t tolerate transplanting either. So the best thing to do is to enjoy it in its habitat!

Photographer: Rita S Töttő / Fejér County Newspaper

This is also done by another harbinger of spring, the common nun, which is also nicknamed the first tiny “cow” of spring. This beetle also has a deep black-purple hue and also heralds the arrival of spring in Pákozd Pagony. Accident brought these two “mourning” beauties together, and one can certainly read that she is just as angry as an anemone. Because when attacked, it emits an oily, yellow liquid, which is also poisonous.

Photographer: Rita S. Töttő / Fejér County Newspaper

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