The National Alliance Foundation has financed Roberto Fiore but also other exponents of Forza Nuova. He did so by triangulating with “acceptable third parties with the clear aim of avoiding the traceability of the operations to the real recipients of the funds”. In this way he avoided the sums being seized from Forza Nuova after a conviction for a poster against homosexuality.
L’affair of the An Foundation — in whose board, as he told Republichalf of today’s government sat and the president of the Senate Ignazio La Russa — which finances neo-fascists is expanding. In the midst of the pandemic, it supported an association in the No vax area, Vicit Leo, which had Fiore behind it: convicted a few months after the help arrived from the Foundation for the attack on the Cgil. But in the same period, the safe linked to Fratelli d’Italia, the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, directly financed a member of Forza Nuova, Leonardo Cabrasas the legal representative of an unknown association (Gli amici della patria). An association that however had its headquarters at number 40 of via Giovanni Paisiello in Rome: the headquarters of Forza Nuova from which the demonstrations against vaccines and the dpcm of the Conte and Draghi governments on the pandemic started and which was, and still is today, owned by the same An Foundation.
Money also to Forza Nuova, this is how the An foundation paid the association managed by Fiore
by Giuliano Foschini and Antonio Fraschilla

In short, other direct links emerge between the body that holds the assets of the former MSI and exponents of the far right and the anti-vax area, in addition to the case raised by Il Domani on the 30 thousand data to Acca Laurenzia, a far-right group that venerates SS and Benito Mussolini. In the documents of the information of the Guardia di Finanza of Bari, which on behalf of the prosecutor’s office led by Roberto Rossi had started an investigation for money laundering against Fiore which was then partly archived, several loans issued by the English trust of the leader of Forza Nuova (St. George education) to the Amici della patria association emerge. And the same association receives a transfer of 3 thousand euros from the AN Foundation: to be precise, the money arrives on September 22, 2021, a few days before the attack on Fiore’s Cgil.
What does this association do? It does not have a website or social media pages. The Guardia di Finanza emphasizes that its legal representative is Leonardo Cabras and that it is based in via Paisiello 40. Cabras was then the Tuscany manager of Forza Nuova and the building in via Paisiello was in use by Forza Nuova, so much so that the first demonstration organized by Fiore at Easter 2020 against the anti-Covid measures started from here.
Arianna Meloni: “We parted ways with Lollobrigida. But our political project goes on”
by Stefano Baldolini

As mentioned, the funding arrives shortly before the assault on the Cgil headquarters in October 2021: precisely in the days of the controversy over the assault, the controversy broke out over the building on Via Paisiello 40 owned by the An Foundation. So much so that the president of the Foundation, Joseph Valentinehad to issue a statement: «The news regarding the presence of Forza Nuova in a property owned by the Foundation are inaccurate. The apartment on Via Paisiello was occupied while it was at the disposal of the Giornale d’Italia. And following a legal eviction procedure it has returned to the full availability of the Foundation».
But now it turns out that the Foundation was financing in those same days a member of Forza Nuova through his association that had its legal headquarters right there. And it would not have been a coincidence.
According to the Finance Police, the Foundation’s funding to Fiore through associations was used to “circumvent the provisions of anti-money laundering legislation” considering that “any reports of suspicious transactions attributable to anomalous flows of money from foreign “charitable organizations” or from Italian foundations (such as the Fondazione Alleanza Nazionale), would have fallen on the beneficiaries, namely the associations”. The money did not arrive formally to Forza Nuova and the reason for this subterfuge was explained by Fiore himself in Cabras in a wiretap: “Because Forza Nuova was convicted for a poster against homosexuality and will clearly never pay those 7,000 euros”.
In 2021, the Foundation supported with 25 thousand euros the legal association of the “family members of Covid victims” from whose complaints the investigation by the Bergamo prosecutor’s office against the then minister Roberto Speranza started. The investigation was later closed.
#Foundation #helped #vax #attack #Cgil #transfers #Forza #Nuova #members
– 2024-08-31 14:16:30