Home » today » News » This is how restaurants in New York seek to encourage vaccination against the coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

This is how restaurants in New York seek to encourage vaccination against the coronavirus | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

third vaccine and guarantee itssafety and efficacy.elian: precisely speaking ofnew york city, tenof restaurants join together withthis city to be ableclients, strategy is discussedand my partner isabel peraltaGil this afternoon is atthe outskirts of one thisrestaurants that areparticipating in this initiative.isabel: a health initiativepublic where a group ofdoctors and other professionalshealth have joined inthis vaccination campaign ofcoronavirus and today they aredeploying mobile unitshow are you on vaccination in 26restaurants like this in allnew york city in aI went to restaurants.through diverse groupbig apple restaurantsif it is providinginformation on vaccines andaccess with lieutenant of thesefor clients, passersby andfor the staff ofrestaurants, there are also severalrestaurants that areenrolled under a program ofbonus what it meansthat for recommending thevaccinated can earn $ 100 pereach member of the communitythat they can refer you.of this virus, since we carryalmost two years in a pandemic.>> there people are motivatedhey there are people whocome if vaccinate, one does not giveaccess to the entrance, wewe put not some ostersfor people to showthe vaccine cards.>> no customer is lost, bettermotivates them to get vaccinated.isabel: the vaccination centermobiles have been touringcounties, their neighborhoods andbusiness and every ía are to therestaurant owners who knowjoin this initiative usingthe space outside theirhomes to vaccinate the public.>> we want to reduce the casesof covid, the cases areincrease and we wantkeep under new york,we are doing theseaccess programs to thecommunity so that peoplethe hope that is eradicatedfinally the coronavirus.Isabe with the other initiative ofthe city, only those who haveput at least one dose of thecoronavirus vaccinethey can enjoy their foodinside a restaurant.the first dose of the vaccinealso to you they give you $ 100of incentive and for wingsinformation regarding theserestaurants that areoffering the vaccine, you

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