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This is how Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco, the drug trafficker’s godmother, met

Definitely Pablo Escobar was one of the best-known drug traffickersbut he would not have become one of the most feared men if it had not been for Griselda Blanco, who was a fundamental part of the Medellín Cartel.

Although Pablo Escobar was the leader of the Medellín Cartel, Griselda Blanco was important in Pablo Escobar’s life so much so that it was even said that she was his godmother.

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Who were Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco?

Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco are two prominent figures in the history of Colombian drug trafficking.

Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria, born December 1, 1949, He was the leader of the infamous Medellín Cartel and is considered one of the drug traffickers most powerful of all time.

On the other hand, Griselda Blanco, known as “The Black Widow” or “The Cocaine Queen”, She was born on February 15, 1943, and was a pioneer in the drug trafficking business, especially in cocaine trafficking.

How did Pablo Escobar and Griselda Blanco meet?

The connection between Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar established themselves in the tumultuous world of drug trafficking in Colombia during the 1970s. Both shared the vision of turning their country into the world epicenter of cocaine production and distribution.

It is rumored that they met in the 1970s, when Escobar was emerging as a drug trafficking leader rising. Blanco, she already had experience in the business since she had already started marketing cocaine in the United States together with her second husband.

The union between Griselda Blanco and Pablo Escobar was consolidated with their joint participation in the Medellín Cartel, a powerful criminal organization dedicated to drug trafficking.

The synergy between both leaders allowed them to take advantage of their resources and contacts to expand their illicit operations. Escobar, with his astuteness for logistics and commerce, complemented Blanco’s experience in production and distribution of cocaine.

Why was it said that Griselda Blanco was Pablo Escobar’s godmother?

Griselda Blanco won Pablo Escobar’s nickname “godmother” due to her influential role in his career and that of the Medellín Cartel. Blanco, with her previous experience in the world of drug trafficking, became a mentor to Escobar, guiding him through the complexities of the business and helping him consolidate his position in the market.

Their relationship was not just business; It is speculated that Blanco also provided emotional support to Escobar, thus cementing her role as a mother figure in his life.

Despite this, it is believed that Pablo Escobar also He feared Griselda Blanco because she was a strong and ruthless woman.

Furthermore, it was rumored that Blanco had a network of informants and hitmen who They provided him with privileged information, which generated a feeling of vulnerability in Escobar. Blanco’s unpredictable nature contributed to the Medellin Cartel leader’s wary respect for him.


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