Rafael: Thanks forjoin us in the newsUnivision 41, last day ofsummer, rafael bello greets you.We speak to the guardians of thetime because summer isunusually rejected,the rain comes tooneeds to.lucrecia: we have a frontI trust it will reach oursarea and causing rain ewe will have toocool temperatures.as opposed to whatwe have seen or during the daysprevious, for this beginning ofThursday we are watchingconditions that are addedin the compared thermometerwith temperatures 24 years agohours, the Newark area haswon 7, and the difference thatt9 on white plains, eight Nelsonsf kennedy, 6 on guard butwe are seeing this differenceregarding the area oflong island, we won 9 inthe last 24 hours.that’s where it starts this Thursdaytri-state area withtemperatures in 71, we havesaw some cloud coverwe had the night andearly morning, keep it upmoment on our area,We anticipate the conditionsthey will change soon and that’s itfor the next few hours we will seethe thermometer remainsalways in the 70s with thecloudiness that will give waydrizzle system that wasentering our area a10:00, a thermometer thatremains at 73, you can’t see itmuch difference incurrent temperatures efor 11:00, enoughconstant.ia, this last morning ofsummer, temperatures rangingclean up 67 in Newark yesterdayhad temperatures 82, 66 forNew York, how longisland and Connecticut, one lasta little more summer dayfresh than expectedmasters with temperatures that don’tthey will not even reach the70.what we see is a differencequite noticeable in the humidity,since it is going to rise inthe next few hours and it took themwet conditions.for tomorrow Friday it’s back tocome down and the humidity does notearly next week.for what concernair conditions, ussaw some changesimportant and it is that they havethe days where we had remainedmoderate conditions,monitors indicate sufficient air