Home » today » News » This is how New York lives on the first autumn afternoon of 2021, according to the weather forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

This is how New York lives on the first autumn afternoon of 2021, according to the weather forecast | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

“executive guarantee letter”,affirms that I will allocate themreceived an important payment,to settle related debtswith the sale of multiple ethese letters were notissued by the secretariat ofstate.elian: family we have totalk about something that is beingnews in this day and is thealmost summer and almost autumn thathas us all confusedRafael: without a doubt, buthe does it with good temperaturesthank you all for themessages I sent whilewe are live throughfacebook and univision 41, 12:50we have cloudiness in the partsouthern new jersey, in partsouth a little cloudy and thischange, we had a beautiful sunand we have a break from the sunin other locations, a littlefor this side to haveidea of ​​everything that happens to thesouthern ohio valley, somepart of the rain isreaching there and it will bring stormssevere, even for Thursdayand I’m going to tell you the momentspecific. today thetemperatures we havecurrently 77 and 78 degrees,we can go up to 80 °,very warm and beautiful bymoments, we will have 75 thisnight, pleasant yankeesthey play at home and can seesome downpours at home, herewe see five or 6:00 in the afternoonwe have the possibility ofMinimal showers, noit will necessarily rain in allsides but if possibleinstability and eight o’clocknine when they were playingthe new york yankeeswe can see a band that canbring some rain andthen overnight andearly morning return torain and we will have tomorrowthis matter, severe stormsafter three o’clock or 4 o’clockthe afternoon, at two o’clockcoming to the northwest and west ofnew york but it’s happeningwe will have a possible floodconsequence of the rain thatis coming mostlyuntil dawn and start ofFriday, morning 77, follow thehot temperatures fridayrainy with 72, weekendlooks pleasant with conditionspleasant and temperatures inthe low 70 °.

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