freezing temperatures.hope: today marks a year oflet it be known that anurse in manhattan dierapositive for covid19. the correctnews, after being theepicenter of the pandemic, newyork has lowered the figures fromcontagions. also a thirdvaccine begins to bedistributed in the nacón.we spent with our partnerto know what to expectnow.factor: that case to which youyou mean she’s a nursewhich was the first victim ofcontagion by covid19 in newyork. the governor said nothere was cause for alarm, but12 ías despés ordenaron ellockdown. this was aincreasing moment of casespositive. for the month of Marchan emergency was generatedalarming. the economy beganto collapse as a consequenceof the closures, manyhospitals could not supplycare unitsintensive. the morgue isthey were also saturated. theNew York State reports thetagic death toll percovid19 and over 1,000,000 andaverage number of cases of contagion bycovid19. the first vaccinepfizer arrived at the end of the yearpast, then modern.until now the vaccine will arrivejohnson and johnson forcontinue immunization.we can no longer doubt theimpact of this pandemic,hard it is and still has notfinish. thank god for thevaccine, but we stillwait a few difficult weekswith this of the arrivals of thevariants.íctor: tonight we are going to