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this is how much you should sleep if you are over 40

If you are over 40, this is how much sleep we should be sleeping each night. Let’s find out what the study says together.

Sleep is essential for our well-being. It all depends on a good quality of the hours we sleep and also on the quantity. A very important moment of our life from which it also depends on our physical and mental health.

Let’s dispel the myth that they are enough eight hours a night to feel good. After a certain age, other parameters must also be considered and perhaps it is also sufficient sleep less. In fact, according to a study even seven hours is the ideal amount of sleep during middle age.

What research has established regarding how much to sleep

Sleep well

The study that was conducted established that thearea of ​​the brain most affected by sleep, l‘hippocampusit would reduce in size both in case of too much sleep and too little rest.

Own experiments have been done on subjects over 40 years of age and it seems that these categories of people who have only slept seven hours have had positive reactions.

Important to analyze that interruption of sleep really play a very important role for memories and memory. So it is very important even if you sleep little but to do it well and continuously. Our body does it it really benefits after middle age.

If we sleep badly or little this causes a considerable formation of toxins in our body. We are not only tired but also anxious, depressed, we are unable to concentrate.

But what happens if you are too sleepy? The study that was conducted in the UK determined that a shrinking of the hippocampus.

This episode does absolutely no benefit to our body here because either too much or too little must be absolutely balanced to ensure that our physical and mental health benefits really from it.

Sleeping well is essential but the quantity and quality of sleep it depends a lot on age, an important and determining factor. After the age of 40, our body and its needs begin to change and it is we who must regularize our organism complex machine, just with the right sleep.

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