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This is how mobile vaccination points work in Catalonia

Catalonia starts this Wednesday a mobile vaccination in Barcelona city, the northern metropolitan region and Terres de l’Ebre thanks to buses from the Banc de Sang i Teixits (BST) and trucks from the car company Seat. They will allow vaccinating between 1,000 and 1,400 people a day mostly with one dose of Janssen’s vaccine.

The aim is to speed up the vaccination of the neighborhoods where the units are installed. Vaccination from these vehicles will be open to people over 40 years old and, especially, to people in situation of vulnerability who have language difficulties or digital divide, for example, to access the usual existing points.

It will also serve to encourage and facilitate vaccination in areas with little coverage.

Currently, the 40% of the vaccinable population in Catalonia has the complete guideline; the people who are entering the ucis s are between 40 and 69 years old and are either not vaccinated or only have one dose. In fact, according to the ‘minister’ Josep Maria Argimon, there are two groups that are still vulnerable, the 60 to 69 year old who do not have a second dose and the 40 to 49 year old, who have a lower coverage rate than other groups

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Each bus will have a team of 2 nurses , 1 technician and two administrative staff and will have the capacity to administer vaccines to 600 people from 9 am to 8 pm. Seat trucks are used in competitions and have been adapted for sanitary use. Will be administered Walk-in doses, morning and afternoon, 7 days a week.

The initiative joins the Generalitat’s deployment to carry out a mass vaccination that allows stopping the effects of new wave of infections, which has the youngest among the most affected.

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