parents wonder how it isthe reopening. We have someof the images of theseschools.reporter: even though thebeen recommended a distance3 feet between students.they will keep the 6feet, won’t go down the distance.[habla en ingés]reporter: anticipating thearrival of thousands ofstudents, we gave ourselves homeworkto visit some salons.any student who wantsenter must show a copyindicating that he is eligibleto enter the classroom.entering school, thestudents must follow theindications from teachers.all schools will bedivided with these dividersof plastics, they must walk inOne way. assistanceof all classroomshas been reduced to 50% of itscapacity. thanks to the oneschool district will maintain 6feet distance betweenstudents, in the bathrooms, toomeasurements continue.there are some years that I don’t knowcan use.reporter: finally, you have toremember that in the saon ofclass there are teams ofdisinfection all week.there is also a solution forcleaning.reporter: directionsfor students start fromthat go up to the sidewalks. thelos angeles school district