Jasmin Vähäkangas, 42, tells on Instagram how she managed a surprise pregnancy.

Jasmin Vähäkangas suddenly found out that she was expecting a child. Markku Ruottinen
Former model Jasmin Vähäkangas (formerly Mäntylä), 42, said on Friday evening that she was pregnant. She published a picture of her baby belly and said that “pregnancy was not supposed to be possible”.
Vähäkangas previously told Seiska that she had an abortion at the age of 21. Later, the doctor had informed her in 2017 that she would not be able to have children.
– I could never have imagined that an abortion and its subsequent complications could have such far-reaching consequences, Vähäkangas commented to Seiska.
Vähäkangas now tells on Instagram how the happy news first made the couple dizzy.
– That’s how we lived for half of the pregnancy without knowing anything about it, she marvels.
Next, Vähäkangas explains why he didn’t notice the signs of pregnancy for a long time.
– Since I’ve always had problems with my stomach anyway, no new problems have appeared. My periods have always been irregular, so even in their almost three-month “break”, I didn’t see anything super confusing. I’m also used to the fact that it’s sometimes hard to live with big breasts, so I didn’t see anything new or special in their momentary tenderness.
– Then suddenly, maybe a week and a half before the test, a stone-hard lump had formed in my stomach. I was just thinking that the intestines have liked something bad again and that I should probably get the air out properly!
Jasmin Vähäkangas says that she took a pregnancy test on the morning of October 28, while her husband was still sleeping.
– It’s a good thing that the test stick even had time to touch the urine in the cup, so there were two red lines. For a while, I stared alternately at the stick, the floor, the wall and, as I remember, just into the void… Jasmin Vähäkangas remembers embarrassing moments.
After his wife woke up, he handed her a pregnancy test.
– After a while, he left for the office in a “fog” and I stayed at home for work.
A visit to the gynecologist confirmed the test result.
– We expected to see something like a cashew nut, but there was a 20+6-week-old very outgoing and active guy with good muscles! He looked mean, formed a heart with his hands and, above all, cheered.
Vähäkangas admits that his feelings fluctuate all the time. He currently has tangerines as a food craving. She praises her husband’s support and presence.
– Pohja is always very happy, but I am very confused. Otherwise, it’s just scary and exciting, the small rumblings and kicks in the stomach feel strange (but as soon as I don’t feel them for a while, I miss them with worry), the wild growth rate of the stomach is terrifying because of the clothes and my own discomfort zone, she explains.
You can see the publication below or here.
Jasmin married Marko Vähäkanka in the summer of last year.
Vähäkangas, who has Indo-Finnish roots, has made a career as a model, presenter, singer and blogger, among other things. She started her modeling career already at the age of 12.
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