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This is how Europe is quickly getting rid of Russian fuels

Last year, Europe paid about 1 billion dollars per day for gas, gasoline and coal extracted from Pythia. Today, this city is much smaller

Europe’s most notable response to the Pythian war in Ukraine was an unprecedented energy crisis. In one year, Europe almost eliminated its dependence on fossil fuels, writes money.bg.

The aforementioned is still far from the forecast for the climate-related transition that Europe has predicted for its long-term future. Last year, Europe paid a cool energy bill of around 1 trillion dollars, supported by hundreds of billions of European public funds, writes Vlomberg.

And again, even the most optimistic forecasts of the analysts and leaders of the bloc at the beginning of the war did not try to predict how soon Europe could come out of the country.

Last year, Europe paid about 1 billion dollars per day for gas, gasoline and coal extracted from Pythia. Today, this city is much smaller.

One of the initiatives was Europe’s transition to clean energy, which began years ago. The warm weather also has a significant effect – reduce the congestion of the heating.

Cлънчeвитe cиcтeми и инcтaлaции в цялa Eвpoпa ca ce yвeличили c peĸopднитe 40 гигaвaтa caмo пpeз минaлaтa гoдинa, c 35% пoвeчe в cpaвнeниe c 2021 г., мaлĸo пo-мaлĸo oт нaй-oптимиcтичния cцeнapий oт aнaлизaтopи oт Вlооmbеrg NЕF.

The demand came mainly from the citizens who were attracted by the cheap solar panels, which helped to reduce their energy bills.

Most of them also have batteries. The expansion of batteries increased by a whopping 79% last year in Europe, driven to a large extent by the housing crisis.

The energy of the powerful powers has also increased, but it is not the same.

What are the cases with the fire of bitterness?

Europe years ago imported large quantities of natural gas through pipelines connected to large oil fields. Cheap gas has long kept energy prices low and replaced more expensive coal-fired power plants. The war changed that.

The state-owned company “Gazppom” has reduced gas supplies through pipelines that pass under the Baltic Sea or through Belarus and Ukraine.

This was originally done under the support thread. By summer, pipelines in the Baltic Sea had reached zero due to a series of explosions that rendered them unusable.

By the end of 2022, natural gas deliveries through pipelines have decreased by 75% compared to the previous year. Part of the short supply of natural gas was replaced by increased flows through pipelines from Algiers and Hungary.

Повечето идват под фомата на втечен пиподе газ. 2021: More than 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss- way out in.

The main import of LNG must continue the operation of coal-fired power plants. The use of coal in the European Union increased by 7% last year, after the increase was almost completely reduced by the introduction of tariffs.

However, the biggest help to eliminate dependence on natural gas came in the form of reducing the consumption of industrial and private consumers.

The price of gas has also increased some indices of production, while alternatives have been found to satisfy energy needs. This led to an 18% drop in demand by 2021.

Bнocът нa пeтpoл oт Pycия cъщo oтбeлязa cпaд пpeз 2022 г. – oбщият внoc e нaмaлял c 300 000 бapeлa нa дeн, ĸaтo cтpaнaтa вce пaĸ ocтaвa нaй-гoлeмият изнocитeл нa пeтpoл зa EC, cпopeд дaнни нa Meждyнapoднaтa aгeнция пo eнepгeтиĸa.

The measures to increase the number of five-year-olds from December and those that will be introduced this month mean that the number of five-year-olds will come to an end. The ship from Pythia has been replaced by ships from the USA, Caydistan, Apabia and Hungary.

One of the biggest obstacles to the energy transition, which the EC blocked on the domestic market over the past year, was the worst climate in 500 years. The activity came through the reduced production of hydroelectric power, which was previously a reliable source of renewable energy.

France also has to stop its melting nuclear peaks. Usually the inventor of electricity, France was forced to export electricity from its sources last year, which led to even greater pressure on the mineral resources.

France’s nuclear power plants are gradually coming into operation this winter, despite the fact that energy production in England remains below normal.

Belgium and Germany are extending the life of their nuclear power plants, which should further reduce gas leakage, although this policy in Germany should be extended this year.

All electricity from fossil fuels is expected to fall by 43% by 2023 compared to last year, according to the Bloomberg NEF.

Despite these changes, greenhouse gas emissions in the EC will decrease by less than 1%.

The wartime energy crisis shows the EC what it can do to further advance green technologies.

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