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This is how citizens rate the demands of the AfD and BSW

Demand for Corona processing

“Those responsible must be held accountable”

October 10, 2024 – 1:44 p.m. Reading time: 2 min.

This is how citizens rate the demands of the AfD and BSWFederal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach (r.) next to RKI boss Lothar Wieler (m.) and virologist Christian Drosten (l.) at a press conference during the corona pandemic: Many measures were criticized at the time. (Source: Emmanuele Continix)

Although the peak phase of the corona pandemic is over, political forces are calling ever louder for a process of coming to terms with this period. While many citizens agree with this demand, others want to leave the topic behind.

The last Corona measures expired in the spring of last year, which meant that the peak phase of the pandemic was declared over. For the AfD and the BSW, however, the issue is far from being off the table. On the contrary, they are calling for a comprehensive review of the political decisions made from 2020 onwards.

This means they will find numerous supporters among the t-online readership. Many others, however, think: let bygones be bygones.

Heike Hanish writes: “The Corona period must be dealt with by an investigative committee and the criminal authorities. If any offenses are identified, they must be treated criminally.”

Petra Utscheid wants the opposite: “I am against coming to terms with Corona. Let us rather take care of the present and the future of our country.”

“There should definitely be a review to avoid mistakes in the future,” says Gertrude Weigelt. “It’s less about pursuing bad decisions and more about suggesting solutions for similar situations,” she says, with a view to possible subsequent pandemics.

Hubert Musical finds: “The demands are populist. These parties are only interested in profiling and setting up brand names. They provoke maximum controversy in order to get themselves into the headlines. We should stop allowing ourselves to be harnessed to their wagons.”

“A critical review of political decisions, particularly with regard to the proportionality of the measures and the protection of fundamental rights”. A movie The Hague for appropriate. “Lockdowns and other restrictions have had a massive impact on the lives of many people. A committee of inquiry can clarify whether the measures were justified and compliant with the law.”

He is explicitly in favor of a committee because it would have more powers than a commission. This t-online reader is not only interested in the past, a committee is also relevant for possible future pandemics: “It can investigate whether there were omissions or misjudgments from which lessons must be drawn for future crises.”

imago images 0768449310This is how citizens rate the demands of the AfD and BSWAlice Weidel (l.) and Sahra Wagenknecht (r.) during a television talk on the Welt channel: The party leaders of the AfD and BSW want a review of Corona. (Source: IMAGO/dts news agency/imago)

Wolfgang Steiners In my opinion, the Basic Law was undermined at the time: “Unconstitutional measures were adopted and my human rights were significantly restricted. Those responsible for this should be held accountable. An apology is not enough, as it is one for many mentally unstable people, the elderly, those left alone and children “It was an almost unbearable situation with serious consequential damage.”

“The government had to make decisions to keep the population out of harm’s way. This pandemic was something so threatening that those in power could not risk not taking such measures,” says Clementine Reinhardt.

“I’m against people doing dirty laundry now who weren’t responsible back then. Maybe mistakes were made – but doing nothing would have been worse. I thought it was all good and I felt like I was in good hands in Germany. In comparison Compared to many other countries, we survived Corona best.”

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