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This is happening now – VG

Operation London Bridge and Operation Unicorn were launched. Queen Elizabeth died at the age of 96 after seven decades on the throne.


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The queen’s death was reported at 7:30 pm.

“London Bridge is down” was the code for the implementation of Operation London Bridge, a general protocol that established the guidelines on how Buckingham Palace, political authorities, church, law enforcement, state administration and the leadership of civil society in the general must act when the monarch dies, that is, how they have behaved in the last few hours.

This now works parallel to Operation Unicorn, a separate protocol for what happens when the queen dies while in Scotland.

She will do it Edinburgh news be transported by special train from Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire to Edinburgh.

There the coffin will be transported to St Giles’ Cathedral, where the public will have the opportunity to pay homage, before another train takes the coffin to London.

She will reportedly be buried next to her husband – the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip – in Windsor.

Designed from the 1960s

Operation London Bridge is the master plan surrounding death.

On the BBC, the pattern surrounding the Queen’s death has been repeated since the mid-1960s, when Operation London Bridge first became known to the public.

Queen Elizabeth herself was the primary architect behind most of what happens.

The BBC, like Sky and ITV, will move to a separate broadcast program over the next two weeks with bespoke news updates, royal portraits and documentaries that the media and dedicated staff have been preparing for years for this watershed in the kingdom’s history. Radio stations have preprogrammed playlists.

The new monarch will make his first televised speech.

A memorial service will be announced at St Paul’s, the cathedral in the heart of London, where Prime Minister Liz Truss and her closest ministers will participate.

The service must appear “spontaneous”, according to the documents Politic have had access to.

The detailed manual for the death of the queen consists of a whole series of protocols for the day of death itself – which is called D-day – and for the following days.

They have the code names D-day + 1, i.e. the day after death, D-day + 2, which is the next day, and up to D-day + 10 and D-day +12, which are respectively the day of the actual funeral and the 12th and last day of the official national mourning.

D-Day + 1:

At 11 Norwegian time comes the so-called Accession Council together inside Palace of San Giacomo. It is here in the official residence of the British monarch that the pretender to the throne ceremoniously accepts his deed of royalty.

Formally, Charles is king from the moment his mother died.

In front of membership advice confirms to the heir to the throne which name he has chosen.

The crown prince of Great Britain since 1952 can choose to keep his first name and take the historically loaded royal name Charles – then he will become Charles III – or, and it is considered equally likely, he will take the names of the two kings he himself resembles. more up to, or the grandfather and great-grandfather, and becomes George VII.

The despotic King Charles I was beheaded by Oliver Cromwell. Charles II dissolved Parliament, ruled the country alone, and was otherwise best known for his hedonistic and decadent court.

What about Charles’s wife, Camilla? She will be the queen, if bookmakers are to be believed.

British royal commentators have called the Duchess’s rehabilitation a quiet success for the monarchy, but a likely promotion from Her Royal Highness to Her Majesty will be the last litmus test of how well Camilla is actually accepted.

In 2016 the Duchess of Cornwall, aka Camilla, was included in the assembly that makes up the Accession Council ceremonial, meaning she will be present at St. James’s Palace when the next monarch of the island kingdom is called to death.

It has been interpreted as a signal of what will happen when Charles accepts his lot and probably declares Camilla his queen.

THE MARRIAGE: Queen Elizabeth was only 21 when she married Philip Mounbatten – born Prince of Greece and Denmark in 1947.

Another question is which of the other 14 countries where Elizabeth II was queen still wants the monarch in Great Britain to be their head of state.

These are called Commonwealth (Commonwealth kingdoms), and includes independent states such as Australia, Canada, New Zealand, Bahamas and Jamaica. He is also the symbolic head of the Commonwealth of Nations (Commonwealth of Nations) made up of 34 other republics and five countries with different monarchs.

The function of head of state for these 53 countries is not included in the hereditary job description. It was a personal relationship and a direct relationship of trust between Queen Elizabeth and the single state that allowed the idea of ​​a shadow empire under the British crown to be carried forward.

Nobody expects this to continue under Charles. In both Australia and New Zealand there is a broad cross-cutting movement to introduce a republic when “The second Elizabethan period” and at the end.

Barbados got off to a great start in 2021. On National Day, November 30, the Caribbean tourist paradise declared itself an independent republic and replaced the queen as head of state with Dame Sandra Mason, the country’s first president.

The new monarch of Great Britain and Northern Ireland will have the task of keeping the island kingdom united. Nationalist forces in both Scotland and Ireland want something else.

Majesty first real act in any case it is to swear that it will protect the Kirkthe Presbyterian National Church of Scotland, to keep it Protestant.

A historic insurance policy, presumably, in case Scottish Catholics start to conspire against it again Anglo-British the throne. But not only. The British crown expressed respect for The suverenitet of the Church of Scotland is a decisive premise in the Scottish-English trade union pact of 1707.

The new monarch will receive the prime minister and the government in an extraordinary audience at 4.30 pm Norwegian time.

This initiates Operation Springflo, which is the codename of the heir to the inauguration of the throne and the formal assumption of royal duties and privileges.

A salute with 41 guns is fired at Hyde Park. It is about seven minutes of artillery fire.

D-Day + 2:

The late monarch is honored at the “lit de parade” – public funeral pyre – i the throne room at Buckingham Palace. Immediate staff, many of whom have worked for the Queen for more than 50 years, will have the opportunity to greet each other in person.

The parliaments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are convened and meet to proclaim allegiance to the new majesty.

D-Day + 3:

The king receives condolences Westminster Hall. This is the oldest part of the parliament building, the Palace of Westminster, and was built as early as 1097 by William the Conqueror’s son, King William II.

The historic hall, which was once the largest in Europe, has been the nation’s great hall since the 12th century. It has seen numerous banquets and ceremonies associated with coronations and royal deaths.

One of the few civilians who, in the last thousand years, has been here on lit de parade, is Winston Churchill, the legendary British Prime Minister. The last royal was the Queen Mother in 2002.

In the afternoon Charles will begin a tour of Great Britain, where he will visit the respective parliaments of Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales. Both in Edinburgh, which is of course the first stop, and in Belfast and Cardiff, the Queen’s commemorative ceremonies will be held in the capital’s cathedrals.

In the itinerary for the new king’s first voyage, it is expressly stated that he wants to “meet the people where they are”. One of his advisers, who anonymously commented on the London Bridge operation opposite The Guardianhe says that “from day one it will be about the people rather than the leaders”, and that this will reflect the changed attitude of the new monarchy under him.

D-Day + 4:

Charles arrives in Northern Ireland. The official condolence ceremony will take place at Hillsborough Castle. The king then attends a memorial service at St Anne’s Cathedral in Belfast.

D-Day + 5:

The queen’s coffin will be carried in procession from Buckingham Palace to Westminster Hall, where Britain’s longest-serving monarch, at his request, will lie in an open coffin for four days.

The royal tradition of majesty on a public funeral pyre – lit de parade – is no more historical than the fact that it was introduced by King Olav’s grandfather, Edward VII.

When his open coffin was placed in Westminster Hall, it marked the end of a real life, but also the beginning of a real era: the balance between the sublime and the low.

D-Day + 6 to D-Day + 9:

Westminster Hall will remain open 23 hours a day so that most people have the opportunity to say goodbye to the Queen.

Next to the bier carrying the coffin, the royal insignia will have been placed:

The scepter, surmounted by what was once the largest known diamond in the world, the Cullinan; The Imperial Apple in gold, decorated with 402 precious stones and 375 pearls, made for the coronation of Charles II in 1661 (after Oliver Cromwell had cast all the jewels of the English crown); and the so-called Imperial State Crown, the one with 3,000 diamonds, which the monarch wears on his head during the opening ceremony of Parliament when the Speech on the Throne is read.

The documents describing Operation London Bridge are no longer secret than parts of their content appeared at irregular intervals in the British media, often inadvertently in connection with changes to the original plan.

Still, it was only then The Guardianwith complementary articles in conservative newspapers The Daily Telegraph and The Times, in 2017 he put together the numerous partial reports, which the big picture became known.

  • This article is an updated, modified and abridged version of this case VG +written by VG commentator Yngve Kvistad.

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