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This is an explanation of phlegm and how to deal with it

How to deal with catarrh. (Photo: Getty Creative)

Sukoharjonews.com — Phlegm is a thick, sticky substance produced by the body to help keep the airways and respiratory tract free of irritants. The nose and phlegm serve an important purpose in protecting the lungs from damage, sometimes excess phlegm can build up, causing a sore throat, persistent cough and other unpleasant symptoms.

Reported by Rorbes Health, Monday (12/19/2022), here is an explanation of phlegm and how to deal with it:

There is no single cause of phlegm. Instead, substances are produced in response to a number of different underlying conditions.

Common causes of phlegm include:
Allergy: An allergic reaction causes the body to produce more mucus in an attempt to remove the allergen from the airways. This can lead to excessive mucus production and difficulty breathing.

Reflux: Reflux of gastric juices (gastric juices) can occur with or without heartburn, also called silent reflux, and can cause phlegm to build up.

Asthma: An inflammatory disease of the respiratory system, asthma causes the airways to narrow and narrow, making breathing difficult. This can lead to excessive mucus production to protect the lungs from damage.

Chronic lung disease: Some lung diseases, including COPD, cystic fibrosis, and emphysema, can cause excessive mucus production in the lungs.

Sinusitis: Infection or inflammation of the sinuses can cause increased mucus production. This mucus can run down the back of the throat. This drainage is also known as postnasal drip.

Bronchitis: Inflammation of the bronchi, bronchitis is often caused by viruses or bacteria. This condition can cause excessive mucus production and difficulty breathing.

Smoke: Smoking irritates the respiratory system and can cause higher levels of phlegm production.

How to get rid of phlegm
If you have allergies, asthma, or another condition that causes excessive mucus production, it’s important to see a doctor. However, in cases where phlegm is the result of a viral infection, such as the common cold, it usually clears up on its own within 7 to 10 days. There are steps you can take to clear your airways and get rid of phlegm .

1. Hydration
Drinking plenty of fluids helps thin the mucus, making coughing easier and clearing the airways. Focus on drinking water and avoid drinks that contain alcohol or caffeine, as they can make your condition worse.

2. Use a humidifier
A humidifier will help keep the air moist, which can reduce respiratory irritation and reduce mucus production and coughing. A hot, steamy bath can also help loosen phlegm if a humidifier isn’t available.

3. Use the saline nasal spray
use of saline nasal sprays to help relieve nasal congestion and clear the sinuses. It can also help reduce excess phlegm in the throat and clear the airways.

4. Keep your head up at night
Raising the head of the bed or using an extra pillow at night to elevate your head and chest can help drain phlegm from your sinuses and prevent it from building up in the back of your throat. This can help relieve congestion and persistent postnasal drip cough. (patricia argi/mg)

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