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This Instagram account will make you adopt a healthy and sustainable diet

Sasha is 26 years old. As a young graduate, she challenges herself to act on her own scale for the environment, starting with her plate. She therefore sets out to meet researchers, chefs, producers and even associations who will give her the keys to get started.

In reality, Sasha does not exist. She is a fictional heroine, a virtual “influencer apprentice”. His Instagram account @JeMangePourLeFutur was imagined by La Chaire ANCA (partnership chair of the AgroParisTech educational and research establishment).

From March 1 until May 31, 2021, reports, testimonials, recipes and quizzes related to food will be published several times a week on this Instagram account. An original narrative program that adopts the codes of the social network to support 18-35 year olds towards a healthier and more sustainable diet.

1/4 of the carbon footprint of the French is linked to their diet.


Tips and recipes for better eating

Why do we have to change our behavior? How to avoid always eating the same thing? The meat, is it over? How to eat sustainably without breaking the bank? So many questions to which Sasha will try to answer by providing concrete and simple solutions to its subscribers. This virtual spokesperson will thus share her questions, her successes but also her doubts and failures.

A 12-week survey inspired in particular by the health crisis of covid-19 which led part of the population to question their consumption habits. The survey was co-constructed with young people aged 18-35, to identify their questions and their needs, as well as with a committee of experts bringing together researchers in nutrition, eating behavior, agronomy and sociology. .

According to models, it would be possible to reduce the carbon impact of the French diet by 30% by adopting a more sustainable diet.

(Source : INRAE)

A prospective digital comic had already been launched in 2018 on Instagram by the ANCA Chair. For those in a hurry, recipes and tips are already available on the @JeMangePourLeFutur account.

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