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This incredibly simple abs exercise can be done just about anywhere

Doing exercises on a daily basis is a must. Not just for the aesthetic aspect. Of course, the eye also wants its part. Showing off a sculpted physique on the beach is always cool. The fundamental aspect, however, is that relating to our health. Training regularly is essential for the psychophysical well-being of each individual.

However, several problems can arise. Especially related to the place in which to carry out the aforementioned exercises. But don’t worry.

This incredibly simple abs exercise can be done just about anywhere.

Time is money

In this period – and not only – time is money. In a globalized world you need to know how to organize yourself better. Planning is also a very sought-after skill in the world of work.

This also applies to training. In fact, it is necessary to combine the exercise routine with work commitments and household chores.

There is therefore a need for something fast and effective at the same time.

There is a wide range of exercises to train the abs

Certainly you cannot leave out the abdominals. They give a touch of sensuality and vigor to our silhouette. Fortunately, there is a wide range of exercises that allow us to train these muscle groups. Starting from the classic crunches, passing through the plank, the hollow position and other isometric exercises.

Don’t forget the obliques

Many athletes, however, have a bad habit. That is to leave out the oblique abdominals. They are best trained with the torso twist. Details are explained in a previously published article.

This incredibly simple abs exercise can be done just about anywhere

The exercise in question takes the name of stomach vacuum, or, in Italian, “abdominal vacuum”. It is really easy to perform, but it boasts incredible effectiveness. Just hold your breath and pull your belly in. Like when we want to look slimmer. The work consists of holding the breath for a few seconds and sucking in the navel pushing it in the direction of the spine.

It can be done sitting or standing. Wherever we are. Really worth trying.

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