taxi and limousine commission.the affairs office ofnew york have a newcommissioner. It’s about thelawyer raquel batista, whohas more than two decades ofaudience defending the41 chatted with her.commissioner, first of all,congratulations on your new role.we want you to tell us whatrepresents for you to formpart of the affairs officemigrations of the mayor ofCommissioner: Thank you for theinvitation.I am extremely happy to behere, to be able to do againthis around whatit has to do with rightsof immigrants in newyork.years ago I was the directorexecutive of an organizationin washington heights, doingI work around therights of immigrants.through the years, I’ve beenworking on differentplaces and I’ve been workinghere in the city and I wasvery excited to behere, to be able to much that I love the cityfrom new york to do thisjob.giselle: commissioner, we knowthan those of 3,000,000 ofmigrants are in this city. What is the biggest challenge?commissioner: challenges continuebeing very big. we have anew president at the levelfederal.we have a new congress.we are hoping there issome kind of change in theimmigration laws. Whileso much, we have to continueserving the community.helping people andeducating people aboutvaccination campaigns.immigrant, we know that a lotpeople have not been able to accesslegal help for the pandemic. thepeople’s priority wassurvive. how are we reopening the city, you have tolet everyone know thatwe have programs.access legal services forslow down what has to do withcitizenship, with the tps and othersprograms we have forrepresent an immigrant.giselle: let’s talk about herdriven to get where he is.commissioner: my grandmother came fromthe dominican mother read after her12 years. studied in thebrought to him.they already turned 50 years ofmarriage, they celebrated it onlast year and the values ofthey have always been hisimportant to move forward,the vision of every immigrant andafter arriving in this country