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This healthy vegetable is deadly for some diseases

We all know how important it is to eat healthy, ensuring a balanced diet rich in fruit and vegetables. In fact, a right amount of vegetables provides our body with fiber, vitamins and minerals that are valuable for the normal functioning of the body. But beware: there are some diseases that can get worse if you consume certain foods.

Specifically, this healthy vegetable is deadly for some diseases. Today we will talk about a vegetable, among other things in season, with which we must be careful in some cases. Let’s talk about cabbage and all its variants: cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, turnip greens, Brussels sprouts. We also talk about all the other species that are part of the cruciferous family, therefore also radishes, rocket and mustard.

When should you avoid

In the presence of some pathologies, the consumption of these vegetables, especially raw, must be moderate or avoided for a period. Anyone with thyroid dysfunction, a vitally important small gland, should consult with a doctor before including the aforementioned vegetables in their diet.

In fact, according to the specific diagnosis, their consumption may or may not be recommended.

For example, in the case of hypothyroidism, when the gland in the form of a butterfly does not produce a necessary amount of the thyroid hormones. This “lazy” behavior of the thyroid causes the metabolic processes within the whole organism to slow down.

In this case, the doctor may advise against consuming all the vegetables of the cruciferous family for a period and then subsequently reintroducing them in controlled quantities.

This healthy vegetable is deadly for some diseases

The reason is due to the fact that the consumption of cabbage and its relatives slows down the absorption of iodine, this interferes with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. The fault lies with goitrogens, the substances found in these vegetables. Furthermore, eating vegetables from the cruciferous family slows down the synthesis of thyroid hormone.

Furthermore, consuming cabbage in the sauerkraut version can be harmful in some cases, due to the fermentation process, typical of this preparation.

People with hypertension are best advised to avoid this food due to the high sodium level.

Those suffering from gastritis, ulcer and pancreatic problems should also beware.

To stay on the subject of health and wellness, here’s how to extend life by 12 years according to Harvard scientists.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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