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This government is leading Bulgaria to a catastrophe with full force –

/ world today news/ “This government is leading Bulgaria to a catastrophe with full force and is stamped by its own suicidal analysis of the state of the country”.

This was stated from the parliamentary rostrum on behalf of the BSP LEFT BULGARIA, the deputy chairman of the group, Kornelia Ninova. In her assessment of the government, she referred to a report prepared by the Ministry of Finance. She cites data from him, according to which instead of economic growth – economic decline; instead of financial stability – debts, debts, debts for generations; instead of a welfare state – inequality, poverty, destitution, misery for the people. “And if one of those in power starts refuting me now, let him know that he is refuting himself. If someone tries to justify himself with previous administrations of the country, let him look at the comparative tables in this report and then comment on the facts”, said the deputy.

Kornelia Ninova summarized the government’s reforms: “educational – which, through the transfer of finances to private schools, dooms state and municipal education and guarantees illiterate young Bulgarians and limited access to education. Healthcare – if you are rich, you will be treated, if not – you will wait, if you wait. Retirement – you work until you die. Judicial – to master the judicial power! The Bulgarian should wait for a quick and transparent judicial process and see the corrupt in prison.”

Cornelia Ninova was categorical that the Bulgarian Socialist Party will continue to stand for another development of Bulgaria – a strong economic state, which will be a support and protection for small and medium-sized businesses and Bulgarian production; a strong welfare state to be a support for the weak and defenseless! “Another management of Bulgaria is possible. I call on the left-wing people in Bulgaria to demand it, and we as a party will show it and prove it!”, concluded Ninova.


of the Parliamentary Group “BSP Left Bulgaria

Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, representatives of the people,

One year has passed since the government and the majority of the 43rd National Assembly. They were drawn up, with compromises between inherently incompatible parties, but with one goal, which is written in the government’s program, and that is financial stability and low levels of public debt, accelerated growth of the Bulgarian economy, an increase in income and social payments of the Bulgarians. citizens.

Usually after one year the government brags about how much it has achieved.

Today we would like to present to you a different point of view, relying on a government document, called an analysis of the economy of Bulgaria, issued by the Ministry of Finance in September 2015. All you will hear from now on are quotes from the government.

First promise – economic growth, and first assessment after one year in office – economic collapse. Why, I quote: “In August, the turnover growth of industrial enterprises recorded a decline for the first time since August 2014 and decreased by 2.3% on an annual basis.” That is, production – down!

Second, “retail sales moved into negative territory in August, down 1.8% year-over-year.” So trade – down!

Third, you will probably say: “We build – we make roads, highways, sports halls, and this revives production and the economy.” Yes, but no! “The index of construction production recorded a decrease of 0.4% on an annual basis in August, the government itself writes.” That is, construction – down!

Fourth. You will say: “Because there is security, business works calmly.” Nothing like that, the country’s business climate indicator decreased by 2.9 points in September! “Entrepreneurs are more reserved about their future activity.” So business – down!

Fifth. We had hoped that at least in the service sector there would be some growth, but this report refutes our hopes as well. “In terms of services, services exports are down year-on-year in July.” That is, services – and down!

Sixth. When you don’t have your own economy, you rely, as the Prime Minister says, on the bosses from Brussels to help you. Alas! And they don’t believe you! Foreign investments from plus 111 in February 2014 fell to minus 163 in April 2015. That is, investments – down!

Seventh. If the partners do not help, will the people support their government? It’s not happening. Consumption from 1.1 growth in March 2014 has collapsed to over minus 3 so far. That is, the consumption also – down, by 4 percent! These are all quotes from a government report.

Second promise – financial stability and low levels of public debt. Let’s see what you self-report on this. “The balance of the consolidated budget was positive in the amount of BGN 622 million on a cash basis at the end of August.” Simply, BGN 622 million means you have more in the coffers.

How does the Ministry of Finance allow itself to refute the Prime Minister, who constantly repeats that you collected BGN 2 billion and 400 million in excess.

Who is right and who is lying? If BGN 2,400 billion were collected, where did BGN 1 billion and 800 million go in two months, and BGN 622 million remained at the end of August?! Where was this pre-election money spent?…

Let’s try to clear up another contradiction. The government says that: “The surplus accumulated since the beginning of the year reached 675 million euros”, the Molinari Institute, which compared the financial situation of European countries, concluded that Bulgaria and 4 other countries are the most lagging debtors in Europe .

On October 24, the Bulgarian state has spent the revenues for 2015 and is already living on credit, the “Figaro” newspaper quotes and warns about the dire state of the state.

Speaking of surpluses and credits, the low levels of public debt promised in the program have turned into 12.2 billion euros of government debt and will grow by another BGN 5 billion next year in Budget 2016. That is, the government debt – up!

Third promise – increase in income and social payments. In life, not in words, this turned into a freeze of 14 social payments, and that towards the most defenseless – those with disabilities, mothers, children, the socially weak. This happened at a time when, in the report of the Ministry of Finance, it is written that food prices continue to rise and their inflation accelerates to 1.2% on an annual basis. When incomes are frozen and prices rise – this means one thing – impoverishment. Poverty is the problem of problems!

Although unemployment is down by tiny fractions of a percentage point, this report says that in July and August, fewer and fewer people found work in both government programs and the open labor market.

Fourth promise – reforms.

Educational – which, through the transfer of finances to private schools, dooms state and municipal education and guarantees illiterate young Bulgarians and limited access to education.

Health – “If you are rich, you will be treated, if not – you will wait, if you wait.”

Retirement – “You work until you die.”

Judicial – to master the judicial power! The Bulgarian should wait for a quick and transparent trial and see the corrupt in prison.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this government is leading Bulgaria to full force disaster and is stamped with its own suicidal analysis of the state of the country. Instead of economic growth – economic decline. Instead of financial stability – debts, debts, debts for generations. Instead of a welfare state – inequality, poverty, destitution, misery for the people.

And if one of those in power starts refuting me now, let him know that he is refuting himself. If someone tries to justify himself with previous administrations of the country, let him look at the comparative tables in this report and then comment on the facts.

The Bulgarian Socialist Party will continue to stand for another development of Bulgaria – a strong economic state, which will be a support and protection for small and medium-sized businesses and Bulgarian production; a strong welfare state to be a support for the weak and defenseless!

Another management of Bulgaria is possible. I call on the left-wing people to demand it, and we as a party will show it and prove it!


#government #leading #Bulgaria #catastrophe #full #force

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