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This future dad refuses to lift a finger, his pregnant wife has to take care of everything at home

As we know, in a couple, household chores must be shared 50-50: everyone must get their hands dirty. But while feminists are desperately trying to get some men to understand that vacuuming isn’t “helping your mate” but doing your part, some are visibly struggling to get it. And it’s even more distressing when it comes to letting a pregnant woman do all the work.

Unemployed, he refuses to help his pregnant wife

A few days ago, on the parental forum Mumsneta woman shared her harrowing situation. “I’m 25, and my boyfriend is 35. We both have sons from our previous relationships, and we wanted to have kids together.” Only here, the pregnancy arrived a little earlier than expected: “Due to a contraceptive problem, I got pregnant by accident, and we were both in shock.

However, since the announcement of the pregnancy of his partner, the future dad shows no desire to get involved, either with regard to household chores or even in the gestation of the woman who shares his life. “I understand that he is not happy with his daily life since he is unemployed after losing his job because of the Covid-19, and that he is worried about the money. But it’s very frustrating for me to see that he doesn’t do anything at home.

Not only does he do nothing, but according to the testimony of the future mother, he believes that she must continue to bend over backwards for him: “I have to take care of the cleaning, the cooking, but he also expects me to make him coffee when he asks me, and that I take care of the shopping and trips to school on my own. . I’m only 10 weeks pregnant, but I’m already broken. And when I tell him that I’m tired or that I’m in pain somewhere, he ignores me. He even asks me to give him massages in the evening, and this very regularly!

The future dad does not want to talk about the pregnancy

Faced with this situation, the young woman does not know how to react and wonders: “Am I reasonable to want him to do a little more at home during my pregnancy?“Especially since the situation between the future parents seems tense. “When I told him I was pregnant, he didn’t react very well, but he ended up changing his mind and telling me that we were going to make it happen..” But since then, he has not once mentioned the pregnancy of his companion, neither with her nor with those close to her.

We are very close to his family, but he hasn’t even broached the idea of ​​breaking the news to them. He acts like nothing is happening, like this pregnancy isn’t real. I feel abandoned, sad and overwhelmed.“At this stage, the young woman no longer even dares to bring up the subject in front of her partner, as the situation is becoming embarrassing. An attitude that greatly worries Internet users, who believe that the latter should be better accompanied and supported by her spouse, and that says a lot about the father he is likely to be for their baby…

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